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Friday iPhone Dump

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If you feel like linking up and showing off your weekly iPhone pictures grab the button and link-up below!  If not, that’s cool too.

1.  Ahh, the doctors office.  I think I mentioned it earlier in the week, but we were there for like an hour and a half.  Brutal.  There is this nurse there that likes to entertain the kids with a puppets.  I think WB thought that was a real doggy.  He was so confused.

2. This has been the scene more and more lately after L gets home from school.  WB plays trains and L will either play trains with him or will play legos.  And yes, I color coordinate my books.

3. I *think* they were playing trains but I’m not totally sure?  Whatever they were doing, Buddy sure wanted in on it!


4. Speaking of Buddy, how sweet is he sitting right by WB?  Buddy is a total troublemaker, but he loves these boys!

5. L turned on the Christmas lights we have up on his kitchen playset and house in the basement and WB was amazed. I cannot wait until the holidays are here and there are lights all over the place.  The look on his face at just these lights made by day.

6. L brought this home from school the other day and I was all, umm, what is this?  He looked at me like I was an idiot for not knowing and then went on to explain that this was a picture of B riding a bike and it says “my dad is riding a bike”.  Silly me.  I should have known that.

7. Photoshoots are getting harder and harder with these two!  They are easier than ever with L, but WB?  Ha!

8. This is L and his school friend at CEC.  It’s quite amazing how kids make friends so easily.  You like game?  I like games?  Let’s hang out!  Why can’t we adults do that?

9. Some mornings when I am still getting things ready, L will go into WB’s room to wake him up and will crawl into his crib with him and they’ll play for a few minutes until I can get in there and get WB ready.  #bestbigbrother

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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