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Celebrity Gossip Time

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Celeb GossipCeleb Gossip

Since all my subscription boxes are being help hostage by my Post Office (or they fell the truck or something), I suppose there’s nothing we can do but gossip!

~Umm, so Chris Brown left rehab. I am sure that his anger issues are now all totally solved and he will stop getting in all those late night bar spats right?  Right.

~Did anyone else watch Courtney Stodden on Bethenny today?  I now (oddly) think she is completely normal.  I don’t think I had ever heard her talk before?  She just seems like a normal girl.  Please tell me someone else feels the same way?

Courtney on BethannyCourtney on Bethanny
Courtney on Bethenny

~Has anyone been following this crazy Charlie Sheen / Brooke Mueller / Denise Richards “thing”?  So odd.  And so sad.  WTF?  I don’t even know what else to say, but WTF.  It seems to get messier and messier by the day.

~This Toronto mayor?  Oh my.  He is *almost* making the old (and now imprisoned) mayor of Detroit’s actions pale in comparison.  This is another story that gets worse and worse as the days go on!!

~And finally, my favorite actor is now Mark Wahlberg.  I love that he was all yeah, making a movie is NOT like going to war and pretty much called Tom Cruise (although he says it wasn’t directed at him) out on it.  Whatever his next movie is, I’m watching!

Mark (image credit: not me)

Oh and where do you like to read your celebrity gossip at?  TMZ?  People Magazine?  Perez?  Radar Online?  Or is there some amazing site I am missing out on? Clue me in!

Anything else going on?  What else have I missed?

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!