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Friday iPhone Dump

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If you feel like linking up and showing off your weekly iPhone pictures grab the button and link-up below!  If not, that’s cool too.


1.O.M.G.  I forgot to mention it earlier, but the Hoot Cart came at L’s school this week!  In a nutshell the kids earn tickets for extra good behavior, doing reading at home, etc.  and then they can redeem these for prizes from the Hoot Cart which the principal brings around every once in a while.  I suspect that the kindergartners all got to pick a prize no matter how many tickets they had, but L was thrilled with his fish.  Totally thrilled.  It’s the little things.

2.  These are the pajamas I am guessing will be replacing the gold polka dot ones Target carried last year.  I don’t love them quite as much, but my gold polka dot ones are getting pretty ratty, so it may be time for a change.

3. I don’t even know what’s happening here.  He found a space just around his size and climbed in.


4.  Oh yeah, we’re at Target again.  That’s what happens during 90% off clearance time.  We got a lot.  But the kiddos were into it this trip.  These days L is down for any trip that allows him to wear his new hat!

5.  This guy ate his dinner at Panera the other night SO FAST.  I swear I looked away for one second it the grilled cheese and yogurt. Gone.    It was as if he’d never eaten before.

6.  We went to Build-A-Bear this week and built the holiday bears (well holiday characters) and built the worlds most expensive stuffed animals.  L even insisted on getting underwear for his.  Ahh, well, what can you do.  They had a good time.

7. That smile!  He’s a spirited one, but that smile. My goodness.  This was at the food court in the fancy mall near us.  They have the best high chairs there.  So fancy.

8. WB built a Rudolph (L built Frosty) at Build-A-Bear and he couldn’t have ended up with a better pick.  He can’t get the music to play on his own quite yet, but he can make the nose light up which thrills him every time. Oh and this picture was taken at like 12am the other night.  He still gets up every once in a while to socialize for like 20 minutes and goes back to bed.

9. We are already making good use of our clearance silly string!  I wish I would have bought more.  It goes so fast.

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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