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Monday Morning Ramblings

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~For some crazy reason I always think I am going to get ALL caught up (and even ahead) of things over the weekend. Never happens. Ever. This weekend was somewhat relaxing though, if you consider hustling for Halloween clearance heals at Target relaxing. I wasn’t feeling so hot this weekend so I’m telling my mom about my headache, necklace, how my face hurt, etc. I of course thought I was dying of some rare not yet discovered illness and she’s all, oh did you take some sinus medication? Umm, no. So of course I did yesterday and already feel better. #genius

~I know I say this all the time, but I am totally shocked at how much L has learned in kindergarten in the what, two months, since he started?  It’s amazing.  And when he has downtime at home (and before bedtime), he’s always asking to read on Raz-Kids.  He’s excited about doing homework, loves going to school and is so proud to share with us what he’s learned.  Someone please tell me how I can keep him this excited for the next 12 years!  Please!

Not sure why B’s wearing shorts. It wasn’t warm this weekend.

~Did anyone else see the What Does the Fox Say parody on SNL this weekend? If not you can see it here. I was cracking up. It’s possible I like it even better the original (which is growing on me since B and L both sing it constantly). While helping to get my clearance goodies in the cart at Target Saturday, L busts out with “What Does the Fox Say” and some lady at the checkout next to us busts out back with the “Fraka-kaka-kaka-kaka-kow!”. We were cracking up.

~I’m not sure what’s coming this week box wise, but like I mentioned yesterday I am thinking we’ll be getting November PopSugar spoilers this week! Also, my Jennifer Love Hewitt Fancy Box should be arriving tomorrow and I am super excited to see what she’s selected this month.

~I stumbled into chalkboard sticker labels these at Target this weekend and am already plotting how I can use them. Maybe on small gifts wrapped in craft paper? Small candles? Not totally sure but I loved them so much I couldn’t pass them up!


~We have lots going on this week. B should be home late tonight, but has his normal schedule the rest of the week.  L has tomorrow off school (it’s election day in MI and lots of precincts are at schools which is clearly a safety issue for the kids) and is headed to the movies with his Nana.  And then on Wednesday after school we are headed to Build-A-Bear which I am super excited about!  Should be a fun week here!

~That’s about it from here this morning.  What’s going on for you this week?  And how was your weekend?

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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