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Bespoke Post Review + Coupon Code – November 2013 “The Butcher”

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November Bespoke Post – “The Butcher”

Just as I was getting sad about all my missing boxes, B’s November Bespoke Post appeared!  This month’s selection was “The Butcher” which I knew right away was perfect for B.  They also offered “Crisp” and “Refresh” which were two of our most favorite Bespoke Post boxes ever.

In case you aren’t familiar with them, Bespoke Post delivers fresh and interesting lifestyle brands and products to men. Each month, you’ll get to choose from their limited-edition boxes filled with an array of products built around a central, unique theme. Don’t want one that month? Just skip the month (you can opt out during the first 5 days of the month) and you won’t be charged.

The Box

My (well B’s) Bespoke Post shipped via UPS this month. Depending on weight they use UPS or some variant of USPS.  I am always happy when they use UPS though since it only takes a few days for it to come.

First Look

We ordered some add-ons this month (Bespoke has a fun little Shop with lots of cool things that ship for free with your box) so I am guessing our box was a little bigger than others?  Not sure.

The Information Card

As I said, the November Bespoke Theme was “The Butcher” and includes the right tools to help get you ready to exercise your kitchen mastery.  Here are all the details:

~Marie Sharp’s Pepper Sauce ($5.59): So this scares me!  It’s “the perfect blend of flavor and heat” and Bespoke suggest putting it on your Chipotle order (B is all over that) OR making mexican hot chocolate.  The suggestion is to add cinnamon and just a drop  of this.  I never thought of this.  The next chilly night I am try this.

Marie Sharp’s Pepper Sauce

~Liber & Co. Tonic Syrup ($13): I am kind of surprised that B didn’t make make a drink with this as soon as he got home from work.  I know he’s got some Caskers spirits that he hasn’t cracked into in a while. It shouldn’t be long before they all meet in a glass.

Liber & Co. Tonic Syrup

~Noble Bourbon Barrel Aged Maple Syrup ($9.32): Mmm, we love Noble syrups and these bottles are adorable.  As soon as I these I instantly wanted some pancakes.  It’ll happen this weekend I bet.

Noble Bourbon Barrel Aged Maple Syrup

~Salvo Salt (~$2): If there is a fancy salt product out there, B wants it.  I look forward to whatever fabulous meal he creates with this.  He’s still loving the Alaska Pure Sea Salt from last December’s Mantry, but we’ll see how this stacks up.

Salvo Salt

~Lord Nut Levington Bloody Mary Peanuts ($5.49): B loves these and is eating them right now.  I’ve tried them before too and they are really good.

Lord Nut Levington Bloody Mary Peanuts

~Treeline Woodworks Butcher Block ($115): Is this gorgeous or what? I want to leave it on my counter all the time just so I can look at it.  It’s made from reclaimed maple and walnut and is constructed in a way that won’t dull your blades.  I’m not totally sure I want to cut on it and may just use it as a serving piece the next few months.

Treeline Woodworks Butcher Block

All totaled the November Bespoke Post – “The Butcher” has a value of $150.40, which is amazing considering that the box itself only cost $45.  I, as always, look forward to seeing what they are doing for the holiday and I know B is too!  And also, I spent a fair amount of time browsing their shop earlier in the way and was over the moon excited to see that they are offering a Shinola watch, which is made in Detroit!!

What do you think of Bespoke Post?  Did you get a box this month?  Which one?  Interested in subscribing or just want to learn more?  Click here.  You can browse through past boxes and see what types of items they have offered before.  And I believe new customers can still use the code “WINGMAN” to score 25% off their first box!

Disclosure: This post contains contain referral links!
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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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