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I was so excited to get my hands on my November Fancy Food Box this month! It’s one of the boxes I kind of stalk and even tried to hunt for some spoilers on it last night because I couldn’t wait to see what was in it. Fancy Food Box (which used to be Samplrs) includes five or more food products – anything from cookies and chocolates to teas and sauces – along with a selection of tasty recipes and pairing suggestions for $47.95/month ($39 + $7.95/shipping).

As always, Fancy Food Box (and all Fancy Boxes) ships via FedEx and arrived in about two days. I don’t know that I have ever received an orange Fancy Box before, so I thought that was fun.

Like I said I tried to find spoilers for this box and found nothing. I guess going spoiler free isn’t that bad, but I would prefer to have spoilers ;).
Looking at the cards now, I am realizing that I am missing one. I don’t know if it was missing from the box or if I just threw it away on accident? Sometimes they get caught in the bottom of the box. The November Fancy Food Box is all about gathering friends and family to share some yummy treats which are included in the box.
~Jan’s Farmhouse Crisps ($6.25): I tried these crisps plain and they were good, but think they’d be even better with cheesy or a creamy spread like suggested. I could see these being perfect for a pre-Thanksgiving meal / watching football snack.
~Krave Sweet Chipotle Beef and Lemon Garlic Turkey Jerky ($7): B loved beef jerky, but Krave isn’t his total favorite. But he’d never be sad about getting beef (or turkey as the case may be) jerky in a box. Never.
~The Gracious Gourmet Cranberry Raspberry Blood Orange Spread ($9): I would have thought this would be something just to use on toast, but the Fancy Box suggests using it on crackers or waffles or even mixed with cream cheese for a fruit dip. I think B and I need to have a fancy food night at our house this weekend because that sounds good.
~Brooklyn Slate Co. Charcoal Cheese Slate ($26): I saw this card for this and was so excited because it looks SO cool! But mine was broken. I have e-mailed Fancy about it and hopefully will hear back soon. We are hosting Christmas Eve at our house this year and this would have been so fun. I am guessing Fancy will replace it or issue a credit and I will update when I hear from them. ETA: They are sending a replacement and it was received on 11/23/13.
~Sigmund’s Pretzel Crisps ($5): I opened these right away and loved them. Dipped in hummus and I think they’d be perfect.
~Grey Ghost Bakery Cinnamon Pecan Cookies ($9): Cinnamon and pecan aren’t my favorite flavors so I’m not overly excited about these. However I was checking out their shop online and I want to get my hands on some of those chocolate expresso cookies they make!
All totaled I came up with a value of $62.25 for the November Fancy Food Box. I didn’t love this one quite as much as I loved last month’s box, but I am hoping for a fabulous holiday box next month! So many possibilities there. Did you get a Fancy Food Box this month? What’d you think?
If you are thinking of ordering this or ANY of the Fancy Boxes, click here and get on it! Fancy Boxes are $39 + $7.95 shipping, but you can always use the coupon code “FOLLOWUP10″ to save 10% on any Fancy.com, order, including subscription boxes. If you can’t find the Fancy Box you are looking for, I suggest just doing search for “Fancy Box“. It’s much easier than trying to navigate their site.