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November MissionUnboxable Review

Disclosure: If you make a purchase through the links posted below, I may receive a small compensation. Read the full disclosure.
November Mission UnboxableNovember Mission Unboxable
November Mission Unboxable

MissionUnboxable, who kindly sent me this package to review, sends spy kits and top secret missions mailed to a child’s front door every month! Secret missions include spy gear, disguise kits, fingerprint analysis, decoders, get-away cars, target practice, bird watching (yes, bird watching), bouncy balls and much, much more.

November Mission UnboxableNovember Mission Unboxable
The Package

MissionUnboxable, which was created by an 8 year-old boy and his mom, ships via USPS and can be ordered as a subscription service or they also offer various missions individually in their etsy shop.

November Mission UnboxableNovember Mission Unboxable
First Look

L and I were sent the “Secret Agent Christmas Spy Mission 1225: Save Santa” to complete.  It took me a minute to get the significance of the “1225”, but it all fell into place ;).

The Complete Package

Without giving away the ending, I can tell you that the tasks in the mission were to !) Disguise yourself as an elf, 2) defeat the Abominable Snowman, and 3) find Santa in time for Christmas.  I am happy to report L did all of those things (he didn’t wear the disguise the entire time though) and we were then able to work on some of the other activities in the package including writing a letter to Santa!  L will sometimes say he is going to ask Santa for a bunk bed and sometimes he says he’s just going to ask Santa for toys and buy the bunk bed himself, but I got him to put in writing that he wants a bunk bed this time.  No matter what he tells Santa when we go see him, I have the bunk bed request in writing ;).

MissionUnboxable is geared towards kids aged 6-10 years old and subscriptions begin at just $12.50/month.   You can also purchase just the Christmas Mission here for $13.  L is just shy of 6, but he totally gets and enjoys these missions.  I might have to set something similar up when it actually does snow out because I think he’s really love that!

What do you think of MissionUnboxable?  If you are interested in subscribing or just want to learn more about the company or the story behind how they got started, click here.

Disclosure: This complimentary box was received for review purposes. As always, all opinions are my own and no compensation was received.
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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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