Thursday Thoughts

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~Ahhh, Thursday. I know the week isn’t over until Friday, but since B doesn’t have school on Thursday nights, I get a little help at night, so I love me some Thursdays!  Plus we are having Plated’s Skillet Lasagna tonight, so I am super excited about that.

~WB and I are off to Target this morning to scoop up a few goodies we’ve been seeing on Instagram.   Mainly Gingerbread M&M’s & Gingerbread Twix, Milano Candy Cane Minis and maybe Sugar Cookie Pringle Stix?  Who thinks of this stuff?  And why do I need to try it?  Better yet, why don’t they just have some samples out so I don’t need to buy the entire package???  The real reason we are going is to pick up a Sugar Paper calendar for Stacey over at Five Minute Style!  She sends me UK only goodies and I sent her US only stuff.  It works out quite well.

image credit: The Junk Food Guy / Twitter / Google Images
image credit: The Junk Food Guy / Twitter / Google Images

~It’s been a fun box week so far, but I am still expecting lots to arrive. I am waiting on Dottie Box Mini, ipsy (it drives me nuts that auto-correct always fixes it to say “tipsy”, Love With Food, PoochPax, Lip Factory, Bonjour Jolie, Birchbox, Bespoke Post, Citrus Lane, Kiwi Crate and my Neiman Marcus PopSugar Box! I’m not sure that all these will arrive this week, but I know they are all in-transit.

~Has anyone been checking out the Black Friday ads? I’m not overly excited about anything really (although I never am), but I SO wouldn’t mind taking advantage of that Target iPad deal. However, there is no way I am waiting in line for an hour, so that’s out. Maybe they will have it online. I also kind of want to pick up a Hugging Elmo for WB and need to do some research on where to get that thing on the cheap. Ideas? Are you planning on going out? What are you looking for?  Ohh, I lie.  I really want to go to the Pottery Barn outlet one Black Friday.  It’s bananas there though and I don’t know if I will ever be up for that crazy.

image credit:
image credit:

~In case you missed it yesterday, I am giving away a November PopSugar Must Have Box. If you want to check out that, or any of my other current giveaways, I tagged them all with “November Giveaway” so you can easily locate them! The $75 Erin Condren e-Gift Card giveaway ends TONIGHT and because I am in such a good mood, I am going to pull two winners! So if you haven’t entered yet, you now have double the chances!!

~What tv shows has everyone been watching? I started off with a bunch and then kind of forgot about them all!  I am still watching Homeland, RHOBC, Parks & Rec (does Rob Lowe age?  He’s gorgeous) and some random stuff that I catch on regular tv.  What am I missing out on?  Any good new reality shows I need to be watching?

That’s it for now!  What’s on your mind today?

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 58 Comments

  1. Mackenzie

    Gingerbread M&M’s and Twix? I must have them!

    1. Jennifer

      I couldn’t find the m&m’s ;(.

  2. Michelle R

    I’m be working my retail job on Black Friday. It’s such a bummer day to work, but I’m lucky I don’t work at a store like Target or Walmart where people go really crazy!

    1. Jennifer

      Hopefully people come in and are in a good mood!

      1. Michelle R

        It’s usually pretty hit or miss, but hopefully!

  3. Bre

    Oh now I have to go to Target this weekend and look for Twix, Milano cookies, and Pringles. And that cute Vaseline Lip Therapy. I think you secretly work for Target! 🙂

    1. Jennifer

      LOL. No, but I should. I mean just for the discount alone.

  4. Judy Louie

    Jennifer, did you subscribe to the Nina Garcia Quarterly box? Did you see the spoiler up on MUT? It looks very fancy! I ordered it….don’t know where I would wear the fur faux stole! 🙂

    1. Jennifer

      I didn’t subscribe, but I saw the spoiler! It does look fancy! No idea where I would wear that stole either! I like it though!

  5. Beth

    I got my Birchbox yesterday (three days earlier than it was scheduled to arrive!) and after a long day it was the perfect surprise in the mail! The tracking info must be lagging because it still says it’s in transit.

    I worked double shifts the past two Black Friday’s in retail and I’m so excited to finally be able to be one of those crazy shoppers out now that I’m not in retail anymore! I don’t really plan on buying anything… I think it’s more for the people watching! 🙂

    I also LOVE me some Parks and Rec – completely agree that Rob Lowe is gorgeous! 😉

    1. Jennifer

      Totally gorgeous!

      I agree that the people watching is the best!

  6. mary m

    I work on Black Friday (my clinic never takes any extra days off 🙁 ), but I might do some online shopping, or later in the day.

    We’re watching The Blacklist, Homeland, and I watch Parks and Rec, and I’m still on the fence about Mom, Dads, and Brooklyn 99. I dunno…Haven’t been in to TV too much lately, I’m reading a ton instead.

    1. Jennifer

      We never got any days off like that either. I used to have to take the day off.

  7. Mary w

    Lol at the rob Lowe comment. I’m 22 and even I’m in love haha. Even if he is the most conceited actor alive haha

    1. Jennifer

      He only gets better looking!

  8. Tiffany

    i go black friday shopping every year! we start after dinner around 9/10pm..and shop until 5/6pm the next night… HOWEVER this year im really upset that everything is opening DURING dinner.. we refuse to skip dinner for shopping so not sure what to do this year! Toys r us is opening at 5, walmart 6, target 8.. pretty soon.. we wont even have thanksgiving at all!! So crazy!

    I also need to go to target and buy everything you list on here.. bad! But i love target! Have you seen the christmas light dog toys in the stocking stuffer isle? They are a must for any puppy parent! 🙂

    1. Jennifer

      I have seen those! Ithink they have had them before too? They are so cute.

      Why can’t things just open at 12am???

      1. Tiffany

        i agree. 12 am was perfect!

        They did they had them last year too!

  9. Katrina

    I was pretty disappointed in the Gingerbread M&M’s. The gingerbread part wasn’t very noticeable. I want to find these Gingerbread Oreos I keep hearing about though!

    Last time I was at Target, they had Snickerdoodle flavored milk. I didn’t get any then, but I’m thinking I might have to go pick some up.

    1. Jennifer

      My 5 year-old thinks that milk is great. I didn’t try it though!

  10. Elizabeth

    I think I’m going to have to hit up Target for the iPad deal. It’s too good to pass up. I live in MA so the stores can’t open until AFTER midnight on Friday, so I may have to head to Target for their 1AM opening.

    1. Jennifer

      I really would like to use my gift card on that deal, but I just wonder what the lines will be like.

      1. Tiffany

        Every year that i go to target its a ZOO! Last year the line to check out was over 3 hours long. They had people from the check out spot.. weaved in and out of EVERY isle.. down main isles and weaving back through more isle.. it literally took 3 hours to get through the line.

        1. Jennifer

          That sounds like a nightmare.

        2. Tiffany

          its crazy! i would def try to get it online…unless you plan to be in line like 4am thanksgiving.. yah no thanks!

  11. Alicia

    Oh I’m watching so many shows right now but I’m actually keeping up with them for the most part. I’m watching:
    How I Met Your Mother
    Sleepy Hollow
    American Horror Story
    Vampire Diaries
    The Originals
    Once upon a time in wonderland
    I think that’s it but I’m not sure lol.

    1. Jennifer

      Ahh, how do you keep up? I’d never remember!

  12. Angela

    Keep me posted on your Hug Me Elmo finds. EB loves her some Elmo. I’m pretty sure they are boyfriend and girlfriend. 😉

    1. Jennifer

      I will! I hope I can find one!

  13. Sue

    I love gingerbread anything so now, thank you very much, I have to go to Target after work today to stalk all of those items. 🙂

    I have become obsessed with the tv show Scandal. If you haven’t watched it yet… check it out!!!

    1. Jennifer

      I tried to watch that a while ago and couldn’t get into it. Everyone raves about it though so I should give it another chance!

  14. wenz

    I don’t watch a lot of TV series but I’ve been watching the American Horror Story Coven

    It’s so goood

    1. Jennifer

      I will check it putt!

  15. Elle

    All of the Christmas-flavored stuff looks amazing! I saw the milanos last time i was at target so they’re definitely there! The sugar cookie pringles sound the best (; I got some Hot Cocoa and Christmas Cookie M & Ms

    1. Jennifer

      Christmas Cookie M&M’s? Tell me more!

  16. martie

    Just FYI – I made the Plated Lasagna last night and it was amazing! Enjoy!

    1. Jennifer

      Ahhhh, I cannot wait!

    1. Jennifer

      I saw those there! Somehow I managed to resist!!

      1. Michelle R

        I was at Target this Sunday and was specifically looking for these and couldn’t find them.

        1. Jennifer

          I found the twix and the cookies. No luck on the others.

  17. Glenna

    I am pretty sure that Rob Lowe doesn’t age! I saw him on Ellen earlier this week (or last week?) and he said he was turning 50 this year. Unbelievable.

    1. Jennifer

      Somehow, instead of aging he just gets better looking.

  18. Sara

    Those Twix and the cookies look delicious! We recently started selling those Pepperidge Farm cookies at the grocery store I work at – the mint chocolate ones are my new addiction – I hope we get the candy cane ones!

    1. Jennifer

      I hope you do too! They are so good and so cute!

  19. Mrs. L

    I haven’t made a run to Target yet…I’m afraid! So many Christmas goodies I want to buy!

    The Gingerbread Oreo’s are at my Walmart (CA) along with the Gingerbread M&M’s. The M&M’s don’t really taste good by themselves but I hear in cookies and stuff they work pretty good so I’ll be trying them in that. Plus I have a recipe for Gingerbread Oreo fudge I’m waiting to try. Of course I still have a stack of Halloween foods I haven’t made anything with yet!

    As for shows…ahem…we have three DVR’s. I swear we record everything. And then try to binge watch only to delete after a few shows cuz the show doesn’t work for us. And with the Hallmark/Lifetime/ABC Family Christmas movies starting (Yes, already!!) we will probably be watching those more than anything in the coming months.

    1. Jennifer

      I may have to go to WalMart and check for gingerbread oreo’s!!

      I am kind of excited about ABC Family’s holiday lineup!

  20. Pilar

    I tried those Gingerbread Twix and they are good.

    1. Jennifer

      L had one tonight. He loved it!

  21. crystal johnson

    couldn’t find the gingerbread m&ms or the pringles stix in sugar cookies where i live.. . 🙁

    1. Jennifer

      I couldn’t find them at Target either. I’m not giving up though!

  22. kelly t

    Have you seen Master Chef Junior? I picked my 2 yr old daughter up at the babysitter and she and 3 other little girls are all cuddling watching this show together! These kids are cooking gourmet meals, its amazing.

    1. Jennifer

      OMG no! I need to see this!!!

  23. Suzanne

    Those Milanos look so good! I may have to look for them this weekend. I am watching House Hunters, Sons of Anarchy and Grey’s Anatomy.

    1. Jennifer

      Ohhh House Hunters! I haven’t watched in ages!

  24. Nina

    You should watch ONCE! its a little cheesy sometimes but I’m a die hard disney fanatic so I forgive it 🙂

  25. Faty

    You should watch The Blacklist!!! Awesome tv show. NBC Mondays at 9 central time

    1. Jennifer

      I will check it out!!!

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