Tuesdays Troubles

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It’s time for another edition of Tuesday Troubles. I’ve said it before, but this should be named “things i’m annoyed / confused / want to complain about”, however I couldn’t figure out how to make any of those into a snappy title, so Tuesday Troubles it is. And yes, I do realize that these aren’t true “troubles”. I know that many of these for sure could be defined as first world problems!

~So I was filling out my new 2014 planner over the weekend and I was marking all the dates that L is off school. I realized that he has not one, but two weeks off next semester. One for winter break and one for Spring Break. I want to do something / go somewhere, but I don’t know what? Nothing like Disney or an exotic beach trip, but maybe a trip to Washington D.C. or somewhere along those lines? Toronto? Maybe Gatlinburg? I feel like L would eat that place up. Ideas? Thoughts?

~Who all do you buy gifts for during the holidays? Other than friends and family I mean. I clearly need to get something for my mail lady, FedEx lady and UPS man, but what to get them? And who else should I be getting something for? The newspaper delivery people (who I have never seen)? And of course I will get L’s teacher something, but what about the secretaries at his school? I’m just not sure on the etiquette here. Who’s on your list?

~Ugh. So I have a self-diagonsed sinus infection (I consulted with Dr. Google and my mom) and while it seems to be getting better, it hasn’t gone away yet. My trouble is this. Will it eventually go away on its own or do I need to go to the doctor? As long as I take Advil for the sinus pressure in the morning I am totally 100% fine all day. But if I don’t, it just gets worse and worse as the day goes on. Obviously the answer I am looking for is, yes it will go away on its’s own, but if that’s not the answer, I suppose I should know now.

~I ordered the boys red chevron ties from the Citrus Lane holiday shop which I am hoping will work for Santa visits, some holiday pictures and other things along these lines. I know that plain white button down shirts will work, but do I have any other options? Because I would love to do a print or pattern or something.  Help!

image credit: Citrus Lane
image credit: Citrus Lane

~Does anyone have any recommendations on where to order printed labels from?  I am looking for labels numbered 1 to 24 for the advent book “calendar” I am doing this year.  I bought some plain ones last year, but thought if I could get some numbered ones, it’d be even cooler.  They need to be sticky labels, but I don’t have too many customization requests other than that.  Can I buy these pre-made or is this an etsy thing?

That’s it from here for now! What’s troubling you today?

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 79 Comments

  1. Becky

    Definitely do DC if you haven’t taken them before. They have so many museums that you are bound to find at least one that each of you will enjoy. Plus, everything is free, so that’s always nice. Also, I’m from the Philly area and I always think the city is a great place for a trip. There is the obvious independence hall and liberty bell but we also have a phenomenal please touch museum.

    Also, at work we always give the mail/UPS/Fedex guys a nice bottle of wine at the holidays. They always seem pretty excited about it.

    1. Jennifer

      Not only have they never been, I have never been to D.C.! Isn’t that crazy? I have been to Philly. Not with the kids though! So many great places I want to go!

  2. Brandy

    Gatlinburg is awesome for spring break!! We took the boys last year and had a great time. It was sunny during the day but still cool at night. Perfect weather!!

    1. Jennifer

      That is good to know!!

  3. Savanna

    A solid black or green would look nice. Green would be more festive, but black would be more slick.

    1. Jennifer

      Where does one get black button down shirts for kids??

      1. Savanna

        Kohls and JCP both have them, you never know…. target might! 😉

        1. Jennifer

          I just looked. No dice!

        2. Erin

          I was going to suggest black too! As I said in my comment – I’d go solid and make the ties pop. Black, gray, green …

          Kohl’s or JCP or possibly even Walmart! Gap kids?

          1. Jennifer

            I need to spend some time looking around for shirts. I’m leaning towards grey or a small print, but finding them in both boys sizes is more than I bargained for!

        3. Savanna

          Bummer! I know Kohls does/did… you might check there!

          1. Jennifer

            I will look there! I have a coupon!

        4. Tiffany

          Do you have the store RUUM near you? its the old 77 kids store.. They have the most ADORABLE kid clothes ever.. Now im always looking for a 4 year old little girl. But You might be able to find something there..

          Depending on what your going for.. this denim button up shirt would look adorbs with those ties!

          http://www.ruum.com/ruum/detail/l-s-denim-shirt/L340T11504?colorToDisplay=Medium Stone&fromSaleRefId=&fromSaleNav=&fromSaleFacId=&saleCatId=&srcCatId=&sSale=&flowCatId=cat160111

          or you could get this vest.. so cute! Lol!
          http://www.ruum.com/ruum/detail/multi-fairisle-vest/W340T21005?colorToDisplay=Dark Heather Grey&fromSaleRefId=&fromSaleNav=&fromSaleFacId=&saleCatId=&srcCatId=&sSale=&flowCatId=cat30017

          1. Jennifer

            Hmm, I don’t know if we have one around here?? I need to look!

          1. Jennifer

            I like the mini check one they have on gap. I think it’s just navy. But it’s sold out in the sizes I need!

  4. Melissa

    Well, we live about 45 minutes from DC, and got married in Gatlinburg, so we love both. For winter months, DC may be a better option with more indoor/ museum activities for the boys. I’m guessing L would love all the Smithsonian stuff with lots of animals and dinosaurs, etc. We also have the National Zoo with ZooLights, which my kids always love. 🙂

    On the labels, maybe just check a craft store and look in the scrapbook stickers? They often have different shaped/ sized/ maybe label looking numbers. Can’t wait to see what you find! We started this last year and love it!

    1. Jennifer

      Ohh, I never thought about something like that for the labels! That might work!

      L think L would love all that DC stuff. And we don’t mind the cold, so we can bundle up and go!

  5. Mary Kate

    We bring in a big box of cookies from a local bakery for the school office staff at Christmastime and put one of the Erin Condren gift stickers on it. They really appreciate it and I know from working at a school that they remember the parents who do nice things if you ever need a favor 🙂

    I also had a self-diagnosed sinus infection that was better with Advil. It ended up being migraines. I think if is a real sinus infection it needs to be treated with antibiotics in most cases. Not fun- good luck, hope you feel better soon!

    1. Jennifer

      Ohh, I like that idea!!!!! I did just order some personalized EC labels too!

      I hope whatever it is I can just will it away!

  6. Mary w

    My dad used to live in Washington dc and I loved making trips there. I can definitely see L enjoying using the subway! And the museum of natural history is so fun. They also have a spy museum that I haven’t seen yet but I heard its awesome. While you’re down there, I highly recommend visiting Annapolis, md. It’s a little bay town where people drive their boats in to show them off and there’s some yummy little places to eat.

    1. Jennifer

      I have actually never been. Isn’t that crazy? But you are right, L would love the subway!!!

    2. Meagan M

      We live in DC and just did the Spy Museum over the weekend! It might still be a little old for little ones- it’s a lot of reading. I would totally recommend the Natural History Museum, though. They have a hands on science program for kids in the basement and it is so much fun! Plus dinosaurs and gemstones.

      1. Jennifer

        L would love that!!!!

  7. Judy

    I had a summer job in Washington, D.C. a couple years ago and loved it! All the Smithsonian museums are free admission, which is perfect for family vacations, so I’d recommend it. They also have a spy museum, which I feel like L would love. It isn’t free, but I think WB is young enough to get a free admission. You’d have to double check me on that though. A friend of mine currently works at the Pentagon and he comes home periodically through flights to Madison for as little as $70, so check airlines around you. Sometimes the local, smaller airports give you direct flights for cheap, whereas I went through Minneapolis/St. Paul and I had to fly to Denver, Co before transferring to a flight to D.C. (stupidest thing ever). If you decide to go to Washington, let me know…I could recommend places to eat and give you tips on transportation, etc. 🙂

    1. Jennifer

      I was thinking about driving there! I don’t think that would be too far?…

      1. Judy

        My family made the drive to MD before and it was about a two day trip. I had to stay in D.C. for three months, so driving was out of the question. It was cheaper to pay for a flight than for parking for three months, especially when my internship offered to refund me for the flight. Everything is close together, so you’ll be able to walk and/or use the metro for everything once you find parking. Best part is you’ll be able to enjoy all the states in between on the drive over. 🙂

        1. Jennifer

          I live in Michigan, so it’s only about a 9 hour drive. That’s not too bad.!

  8. Erin

    L would love a fun quick get-away!

    I HATE sinus infections and they make me MISERABLE! I’d go to the dr asap and get a zpack to get over that sucker quick!! Feel better!

    As someone who works in a school (I’m the counselor), just being remembered and thought of during the holidays means a lot. You could do something like a nice smelling candle or have L make snowman poop (hot cocoa, candy cane, marshmallows) or something like …
    “You are TEA-riffic” with a bag of tea.
    “You’re the STAR of school” with starbursts
    I do stuff like that for my staff and I just googled ideas (teacher appreciation or teacher gifts) – there’s SO many and they’re so fun and cute! Cheap and easy, but it shows the rest of the school you know they put in hard work too. Or you could even just take in a plate of goodies to put in the office. 🙂

    I’d be tempted to do like a dark gray shirt with those ties. Something that will make the red/white pop! 🙂

    1. Jennifer

      Great ideas! I totally want to do something for them. I am making a spreadsheet with all these ideas tonight!

  9. Jill

    We always give the garbage men some money and treats a few times a year including the holidays. Since I have a home daycare the garbage can get pretty ripe, if you know what I mean! LOL I also give my nail lady a bigger tip than usual.

    1. Jennifer

      LOL. We always seem to have so much trash as well! I will add them to my list for sure!

  10. Amanda Engler

    Wait! Before you get an antibiotic for that sinus infection, try Bromelain, it’s usually found in the digestive aids of a store like Vitamin World, I’ve never found it in GNC, though. Vitamin World sells it in a chewable if that suits your fancy. Anyways, it’s a pineapple enzyme that does remarkable things for your body, without going into the science. Take it like you would an antibiotic, 3-4 times a day, at least 2 if not more chewables each time. You really can’t OD on the stuff, and it won’t cause any real side effects. If I start to feel sick I usually start with 6. Try it! The hippies finally got something right.

    1. Jennifer

      Oh no, I don’t want to start on an antibiotic. That would require a trip to the doctor. I just want to will it away. LOL!!!!! I will look into that though!

  11. Amy Huckaby

    I love about 45 minutes from Gatlinburg and I love it up there. You also have Cherokee NC down the road one way and Pigeon Forge (The home of Dollywood) the other way. There are tons of things to do with the kids and we go up there all the time. Along with Dollywood there is a huge Titanic exhibit, Wonderworks, Magicworks, and many many more. You all would love it!

    1. Jennifer

      I haven’t been in years but I feel like it’s a place that L would love!

  12. I feel like navy blue shirts or something with polka dots (do boys wear polka dots??) would look cute with those ties!

    1. Jennifer

      I don’t know if they do, but that would look adorable!!!

  13. Meagan M

    DC is awesome in the winter! If you come down over winter break, they set up a Christmas tree at the National Mall, and have mini trees for each state. There is also a nativity scene and a bonfire with cider/hot cocoa. We went every year with my grandparents- totally something I remember doing at L’s age. ZooLights is fun, too, and the zoo is opening the baby tiger exhibit this month! You will definitely never get bored. 🙂

    1. Jennifer

      I don’t think we’d made it for like Christmas break. The school has a winter break in February. Yeah in addition to like two weeks for the holidays, we get a week in Feb. and then a week in April off!!! Isn’t that crazy?

  14. mary m

    My parents and 10 yr old are leaving for DC this morning for a week. My sister lives there, so we go often. Just wish it wasn’t on the other side of the country, or we’d probably go more! The nice thing about DC and kids is that you can museum hop and not have to worry about the cost. Like if the American History Smithsonian isn’t a huge hit with L, you can just walk across the mall and go to air and space or whatever…

    For the secretaries at school I usually do like someone else suggested and do a platter of treats. You could also just do little gift bags with B&BW stuff and some candy (easy to do for less than $5/each).

    I don’t think you can give a gift to the USPS people. I think it’s illegal. And I know if I did that, I would not accept any homemade treats. But maybe a small bag of candy or something? I don’t remember the specific rules.

    Sinus infections don’t HAVE to be treated with ABX, but if you aren’t getting better after a week or so, I’d probably go to the doctor.

    1. Jennifer

      I feel like I am getting better. It’s just slow!

      I think there is a limit on USPS gifts. Maybe like $10 or $20? Something along those lines.

      I think L would go crazy for the American History Museum!

  15. Nikki K

    Hope you feel better soon!!

    1. Jennifer

      Thank you!

  16. Rebecca

    I’m the Queen of Sinus Infections, I get them often. If you haven’t had symptoms for more than 7-14 days seeing a doctor usually won’t do anything but direct you to OTC decongestants and the like. They are really trying to refrain from giving out antibiotics these days due to overuse and not having anything to combat superbugs due to the overuse. If you can’t stand it after 7-10 days, head to the doctor. You might get away with a phone call to the nurse if you see your doctor regularly. If you need to get well quickly (like to cook Thanksgiving dinner) kindly ask about a steroid pack and if you are at the office a steroid injection. Either or both should speed up your recovery time. Make sure you take all of the antibiotic and steroid pack 🙂 Get well soon!

    1. Jennifer

      Okay, this is good to hear! As long as I take the advil, I feel totally 100% fine. I think I am getting better. Slowly.

    1. Jennifer

      OMG those are perfect! THANK YOU!!!!

      1. Tiffany

        Sorry not sure why my link is all crazy.. but glad it worked!!

  17. Jessica

    Hope you feel better soon!!
    We went to Chattanooga last year in October and loved it! There is a cute downtown area ( with a yummy cupcake bakery!), a great kids museum, civil war stuff, the Tennessee aquarium, rock city, incline railway…. Tons to do! We actually have always stopped in Chattanooga on our road trips to Florida and decided to make it a actual trip last year because of all the neat stuff there.

    1. Jennifer

      I have never even thought about Chattanooga! So many great places to visit!

  18. Catherine

    Charleston, SC! It’s a great place. Lots of things to do.. and EAT. 🙂

    1. Jennifer

      That might be a long drive???

  19. Macy

    “I know that many of these for sure could be defined as first world problems!” haha! Also, I live in Knoxville…you should definitely visit Gatlinburg! They do a lot up there for Christmas with light shows and Dollywood is all decked out! As others have said, there are many other places to visit within a relatively short driving distance! Plus it is not nearly as cold as DC 🙂

    1. Jennifer

      Ha! They totally are. I wouldn’t want anyone to think I actually thought that not knowing what tie to wear with what shirt was a true trouble.

      We wouldn’t go for Christmas. The winter break I was talking about is in February. So they get not only Christmas break, but winter break and spring break as well!!

  20. Jordan M

    Sorry that you’re feeling sick! As a future doctor, I can tell you that if you really have a sinus infection, it will not go away with Advil alone. You need something to kill the infection, and likely, Advil is just helping your symptoms (like inflammation), not the root cause of the problem. If you’re interested in a home remedy, I suggest snorting some salt water, or using a Netti Pot or sinus irrigation system with salted water. The salt can help kill a young infection. Otherwise, I would definitely get to a doctor before you feel any worse!

    1. Jennifer

      Okay, now I don’t “feel” stuffed up. But I mean clearly I am. Will this still work?

  21. Jenny

    We had thought of going to DC for Ns fall track out but it was closed so we went to Boone, NC and did Grandfather Mountain. N loved hiking around and doing the mile high bridge. I love Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge but haven’t been in years. I’ll have to add that to my list of places to go.

    Sorry you feel bad. I feel ok but both of my boys have the creepy crud and there is nothing really to be done but over the counter drugs and those just don’t work great. I’m really trying to avoid the dr for them too.

    You have me thinking of holidays now too. Of course all the teachers and the one preschool director. I don’t think I’m doing anything for the principal or office staff since I’ve had no dealings with them. If I had then I would get them something. I’ve never done my paper person since I think its horrible that they send a card in my newspaer one day basically telling me to send them something. It bugs me and since I have to go hunt my paper everyday uhm no you do not get a gift. Now I should do something for the USPS man and the UPS man. I love them both and they are so nice. Also now thinking I should do a little something for my produce lady the last day of delivery. OK off to start a real list.

  22. alyssa

    I’d recommend DC. There are tons of amazing museums also there are lots of little monuments scattered around the city that no one really knows/ talks about. Me and my best friend went around to a lot of them for my birthday last year and we found a statue of Albert Einstein and a world war 1 monument dedicated to soldiers from dc, MD and VA who died in the war. Also the world war 2 monument is really amazing looking with all its fountains and waterfall with a star for every soldier that one made me cry cause my grandpa fought in that war and he would have loved that amazing monument. Also if you go to dc you must try good stuff burgers they have amazing food and different flavored mayor including mango. I’m sure my dad and brother know other great places in dc as they do electric work all over dc every day

    1. Jennifer

      Good to know! Thank you!!!

  23. Mackenzie

    If you do DC, don’t stay in the city! Crazy expensive. The metro runs pretty far out, and you can get some MUCH better deals on hotels. It’s so fun & educational (and cheap!) to do the museums and zoo. Plus there’s other nearby stuff like Arlington National Cemetery and Mount Vernon. There are some casinos not TOO far away as well. I mean, it’s no Vegas, but you might be able to find something to do. 😉

    1. Jennifer

      LOL! We’ll have the kids so no casino! Why didn’t I know DC museums were free?

  24. Jenn

    DC, for sure. I live here (well, I live in the ‘burbs) and I still think it’s amazing. So much to do/see. Most museums are free (all the Smithsonian ones, but not the Newseum or the Spy Museum), and just to see the White House, monuments, etc. is pretty cool. Buildings you normally only see on TV!

    Around springtime is when the cherry blossoms are in bloom. Also, I’m guessing that the panda cub at the Zoo will be on exhibit by next Spring.

    1. Jennifer

      I wouldn’t mind seeing that Panda!!!!

  25. Pilar

    I think a black dress T-shirt would look great with the boys red chevron ties.
    Every year me and my family always go to ICE! it’s in Nashville Tn, it’s Gaylord Opryland’s signature holiday event where they have more than two million pounds of hand-carved ice sculptures and they also have slides that the kids can go down on that is also made of ice. It’s so much fun to walk around and look at all the ice sculptures and this year they are having a Frosty the Snowman theme I think L would love that.

    1. Jennifer

      What’s a dress Tshirt? Where do I find one?

      When is this event? It sound fun! Winter break isn’t till February.

  26. Pilar

    A dress shirt is just like a button up shirt, you should be able to find them anywhere Target, Walmart, kohl’s, Jcpenny. Oh the ICE Christmas event ends on January 1st sorry y’all won’t be able to make it.

    1. Jennifer

      OMG I totally read that wrong! I thought you suggested a dress t-shirt and thought it was just some fancy t-shirt / dress shirt combo I’d never seen before!

  27. julie b

    On behalf of teachers may I say that we don’t really need candles, frames, or chocolate. we LOVE target gift cards, or barnes and nobles gift cards, and starbucks gift cards… a beautiful throw, if you think the teacher would enjoy it, is also nice, as is something personalized. a monogrammed tote, or initial charm bracelet… and a note from L!

    1. Jennifer

      LOL!!!!!! I usually do Target. You can only get so many hand soaps!

  28. What size numbered labels ? i bet you could make them and print them out on avery sticker paper! Or etsy i have a few designers i use i can pass along if you want them custom made!

    For gifts, what if you make up little goodie bags / baskets? Like take a mug and fill it with candy and hot cocoa packets and mini hand cream or hand sanitizer and a generic happy holidays gift tag and then just have them on hand for when you want to give it out!

    1. Jennifer

      I don’t have a size. What is Avery sticker paper? Is this some great thing I am missing out on??

    1. Jennifer

      OMG I love that JCrew one!! I only buy CrewCuts’ stuff from thredUP. It’s expensive!!

  29. Ashley

    Our family used to go to Gatlinburg every spring break! The weather is perfect and there are so many things to do. There are myself and two younger brothers and an older brother and there were plenty of things to do for all ages. We rented a cabin on the mountain every year. Those memories still stand out after 15+ years. We are from sunny Florida so it was chilly to us during March/April when we went but a nice change from the beaches we were used to.

    1. Jennifer

      We used to stop there on the way to / from Michigan on the way to visit your sunny beaches!

  30. Danielle

    I totally vote for DC! Let me know if you do decide to do DC and i’ll come up with a list of things for your family to do. They are building casinos in one suburb (National Harbor) but I don’t think they’ll be finished by spring.

    1. Jennifer

      I should do it when there is a race and you and B and run it!!!!

      1. Danielle

        Ohh, that would be fun! There are a couple in the spring, I think!

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