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What I’m Loving Wednesday!

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I’ve been feeling kinda silly “linking-up” with this kind of love for What I’m Loving Wednesday because she doesn’t do it on a regular basis anymore;(. I do love the post though, so I decided to make my own button for it and if she comes back I’ll ditch it and link back up with her and if she doesn’t, I’ll continue to use it and maybe even make it a link-up of my own.

I’m Loving…..

image credit: eBay

ebay. I have been dying to find this fox sweater for the boys to wear and, as luck would have it, I ran into this set on ebay last night that will be perfect for WB! L has this same fox sweater from last winter (see if it was even in last year’s What I’m Loving Wednesday) and SWEARS it still fits (it doesn’t), but I am on the hunt for a bigger one for him too.

I’m Loving…..

image credit: Emily Dowd

L.  First of all, how adorable is this picture?  Ugh. I die. And the kid?  Sweetest guy ever.  He’s been the one coughing like crazy, but he is just so stinkin sweet.  I was sitting with him last night while he was coughing away in his bed and as he was falling asleep he scooted really close to me and just snuggled right up.  Ahh, I about died again.  You can cough in my ear all you want L if you are going to be like this ;).

I’m Loving…..

image credit: 3jmom (

Food Art.  I’m unclear who originally thinks of these ideas and I can’t decided if I love them or hate them, but it’s a darn good thing I am not hosting Thanksgiving or bringing veggies / fruit or I would be tempted to recreate this bird.  Or this one.  And to whoever the pinner of this was who said “really doesn’t look too hard”, yeah lady, nothing on Pinterest does until we actually attempt it at our own houses.

I’m Loving…..

Kohl’s Cares

Kohls Cares Books.  Every season (I think that’s right), Kohls comes out with a new set of books and matching plush characters for $5 each.  The books are hardcover and so nice.  I seriously try to get them all.  And 100% of the net proceeds from purchases are donated to kids health and education initiatives nationwide.  You can’t go wrong.

I’m Loving…..

The furries

The furries.  There is no doubt that Buddy’s incessant barking drives me crazy, but they are such good dogs.  L always liked the dogs, but WB is obsessed with them (and all) dogs.  He needs them near him at all times and often when he’s sitting on the couch I will look over and see him gently scratching their ears or something.  And they are just so good with the kids.  From the minute we brought L from the hospital, they were amazing.  A little jealous at first, but they love their kids!

I’m Loving…..

image credit: Pinterest

Tassel Ornaments.  Umm, yeah, this is total and complete genius.  I have any touched any of my tassels since the day(s) I graduated and this would be an amazing way to actually use them.  Love. love. love.  I cannot find the original source of this pin, but seeing as how the years I graduated from high school and college were in the 90’s (*), well, this isn’t my original picture.

 That’s it from here.  What are you loving this week?

(*) To be fair, I did graduate in the 00’s as well.  But again, it was nowhere near the years in the picture.
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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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