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One of the many packages I received today was my December Fancy Food Box! Yay! My mom was here when everything arrived and she was like wow, this IS fun!
Fancy Food Box (which used to be Samplrs) includes five or more food products – anything from cookies and chocolates to teas and sauces – along with a selection of tasty recipes and pairing suggestions for $47.95/month ($39 + $7.95/shipping).

Fancy Food Box ships via FedEx. It always takes two days to get to me from New York. They have been really good about sending out shipping notifications lately too. I used to only sometimes get them. Now, all the time!

I hadn’t gotten a chance to look for spoilers yet, so I went into this one totally unspoiled. The Jennifer Love Hewitt Box and the Fancy Food Box are probably my two favorite Fancy Boxes, so I always look forward to receiving this one.
The December Fancy Food Box didn’t have a theme or a special card like the past few Fancy Food boxes have had, but it didn’t even matter. I knew as soon as I was unpacking this box that it was a winner. Here is what was included:
~Tumbador Vanilla Snickerdoodle Spread ($12): Awesome! Yes! It’s similar to Trader Joe’s Cookie Butter (the crunchy kind anyway) and is fabulous. I tried it straight from the spoon, but they also recommend it on ice-cream, pancakes, fruit or toast!
~Tumbador Sweet and Salty Chocolate Bar ($3.33): This too is amazing! We got chocolate covered animal crackers from Tumbador a few months ago and they were fabulous too. I can only hope that Fancy includes some more items from this company.
~Mike’s Hot Honey ($10): The card says that this can be poured over anything and everything. From pizza to salads and even bananas (?). I’m not quite sure what we will do with it yet. Maybe try it on some bread first? Start off slow ;).
~Fondue Set ($30): Ahh, fun! We have a big fondue set, but well, it’s big and we are lazy and never drag it all out. But this is much more reasonable and even L will be able to get into the fondue dipping on this.
~Peppermint Bark by Red Rocker Candy ($14): Peppermint bark! Delicious! I haven’t bought any yet this season so this is much appreciated and will be well loved around here.
All totaled I came up with a value of $69.33 for the December Fancy Food Box. This was probably one of my favorite, if not my total favorite Fancy Food Box to date! I loved it!!! Did you get a Fancy Food Box this month? What’d you think?
If you are thinking of ordering this or ANY of the Fancy Boxes, click here and get on it! Fancy Boxes are $39 + $7.95 shipping, but you can always use the coupon code “FOLLOWUP10″ to save 10% on any Fancy.com, order, including subscription boxes. If you can’t find the Fancy Box you are looking for, I suggest just doing search for “Fancy Box“. It’s much easier than trying to navigate their site.