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If you feel like linking up and showing off your weekly iPhone pictures grab the button and link-up below! If not, that’s cool too. Oh and I have gotten a few questions about make my collages below. So basically I grab my nine pictures and make them into a square collage in Picasa. Then I add some grid spacing, add the numbers and then crop them into three groups of three pictures.
1. This was the scene at my house on Monday morning! Not a bad scent to come home to that’s for sure. This twice a day mail deliveries are pretty much the best thing ever. Packages in the morning. Mail in the afternoon. A girl could get used to this!
2. L is the only one who will happily pose in front of the tree for me so I pretty much take nightly pictures of him in front of the tree. WB just runs away.
3. No for real, how cute are these two? I love it. The laughs I hear when they are together are the best laughs EVER.
4. I’m telling you, L is the sweetest kid. I mentioned it yesterday, but he insisted on giving everyone their gifts RIGHT AWAY when he got home from school. He got me these gloves in my favorite color. Pretty sure they are my new favorites.
5. WB didn’t hate the entire trip to see Santa. Except for the actual seeing Santa part, he quite liked it. Very much actually.
6. B and I got this ornament in Cabo when we got married. It has survived a half dozen tree crashes over the years and has made it out without a scratch. I’d like to think it was some sort of symbolic thing, but in reality the ornament is made out of some unbreakable plastic.
7. Rare form. This guy has been in rare form this week. He woke up screaming, with a fever on Wednesday night (he even threw up) and was awake for hours. But yesterday? No fever. No sickness. Nothing but being sleepy because he didn’t sleep as much as usual.
8. You can kind of see his top teeth in this picture! I can never get a good one showing all his teeth, but they are there.
9. L got to go to the movies with his Nana yesterday after school to see Frozen! They liked it and my mom suspects it will end up being turned into a musical in the near future.
How’d your week look in pictures? I can’t wait to check it out!