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Today’s giveaway, which is Day 12 (LAST DAY) of the Ramblings of a Suburban Mom 12 Days of Christmas Giveaways, is for the PopSugar Limited Edition Fall Style Must Have Box! I won it (and a gift card which has supported lots of these other giveaways) a few months ago but was waiting for these giveaways to give it away! The picture above shows the variations I received, but aren’t exactly the same as what’s in the giveaway box. I recall peeking when it came and thought the bag was a cute one.
The box includes:
~Goldfaden MD Skincare Doctor’s Scrub ($75)
~stila Luxe Eye Shadow Palette ($45)
~Library of Flowers Bubble Bath ($36)
~Christian Lacroix Riviera A6 Lay Flat Notebook ($13)
~Beurre & Sel Cookies ($10)
~Rachel Zoe Fall 2013 Gold Knot Ring ($75)
~Cynthia Vincent Classic Shoppper Bag ($85)
If you want to enter, all you need to do is enter in the Rafflecopter widget below. If you can’t see the Rafflecopter box, try a different browser, a different computer, your smartphone, etc. I know sometimes people have trouble with it at work. The giveaway is set to end on 12.20.12 at 12:00am and the box will be sent to the winner ASAP! I can’t promise that it will arrive by Christmas though.
All these giveaways are tagged with “12 Days of Christmas” and “December Giveaways“, so they will be super easy for everyone to find and enter daily! Good luck! And again, THANK YOU so much for making this such a fun year around here. You are the best!
I gave my toddler a little pink baby grand piano. It is the cutest thing ever 🙂
The best gift I’m giving this year. Well technically it’s coming from “SANTA” but it is a tepee tent for my 2.5 year old daughter. She is just gonna love it. That and I got my husband a 6 mo sub to love with food when it was on deal and it only ended up costing my $26 so it was a great deal (which he will appreciate along with the yummies)
Items from my subscription boxes that I can’t use, but I know that others will love. 🙂
A Rapid Ramen Cooker for my lazy brother.
I must know more about this.
It was on Shark Tank! You cook it in the microwave and it only takes minutes as opposed to 8.
the hubs a car
Oh that ring!! That ring had me at HELLO when I first saw the original posting for the box. Thanks so much for your generosity and kindness through these last 12 days.
The best gift I am giving this year will depend on who you ask in the family. Hubby is getting a Drill, daughter 1 is getting a new laptop, and daughter 2 is getting her Jack Rodgers that I said I would not buy until I had a pair! No, I don’t have a pair yet!
I’m excited for my daughter to receive her indoor trapeze bar for the playroom, and my son to receive his Melissa and Doug fold and go castle.
The best gift I am give this year is a plane ticket to my daughter to come home over Christmas break!
A brick from the base of the original MSU Sparty statue to each of my brother laws !
I got all the relatives vials of mulling spice and rubbing spice for Christmas from a local spice shop. Everything smells wonderful and I’m hoping everyone likes them!
TBD – I still have to sort through all of my old sub boxes to see what wonders I have in there 🙂
I paid two layaways off for unexpecting people
Wow! That is incredible ! That’s suck s good idea and I’m going to check out doing this myself.
I got my grandparents a custom sign to go at their fishing camp that I think they are going to love!
My husband is getting a Garmin GPS watch.
I’m not sure because I still need to shop!
The best gift I’m giving is a cheesy personalized travel mug of my father and me during the father daughter dance at my wedding. It’s a lovely photo and he’s going to melt.
A nice winter jacket for my honey!
a book I made for my son called, “the people you knew when you were two”
A Swarovoski bracelet for my daughter. She’s going to love it.
I’m getting my little one a Doc McStuffins doll and doctor bag, and I can’t wait to see her face!
My 3 and 4 year olds are both getting new bikes!
I hand knit a shawl.
Ahhh I honestly don’t think I have a best gift I’m giving lol I’m not giving anything too exciting!!
I’m giving my mom a ticket to go see the Moscow Ballet’s Nutcracker with me. Can’t wait 🙂
I’m giving my 4 year old a plan toys crane.
My mother and I are giving my dad an iPad!
My sons first big boy bike!
That would have to be all the Lululemon stuff I’m getting for the ladies in the family: headbands, scarves and gift cards. Nice!
Thank you for your wonderful blog and your cute, clever, generous giveaways! Even if I don’t win anything it’s so fun to enter these!
Tons of toys for my 7 month old son!
I am sending my two daughters to a concert they love. They are the best girls, and they deserve it. Thank you so much for this chance!
ninigossett at gmail dot com
A necklace
Lots of beautiful gifts from our honeymoon in Italy/Greece/Turkey!
I still have no idea what I am getting and for who.
Popsugar subscription to my sister in law…
I’m giving my mother in law a 3 month subscription to Fair Treasure!
I do stocking for my three kids, they always say that is their best gift from me. I love doing them each year, it gets hard each that they get older.
I have a few gifts that I’m excited about giving, but since my daughters read your blog…
Once again, thank you for doing this!
I got my boyfriend a pair I beats headphones that he will love an I got my dad a Bose Bluetooth speaker system!
A train table for my son 🙂
I am giving my parents tickets to “Wicked”. They have never been and have always wanted to go. I am also surprising them with drink credits for their cruise, they will take in early January for 15 days. I can’t wait to give it to them.
Plus all gifts I purchased for my son. The magic and wonderment of Christmas morning is so incredible. His joy brings tears to my eyes every year.
My girls are getting a wooden play kitchen this year. I’m so excited to see their faces.
My boys are getting the trip to Disney. Other then that I’d have to go with the awesome Mini Boden dress I’m giving my niece. It is so cute and I love getting to buy a girlie outfit.
I bought my mom the jumbo philosophy amazing grace set that she loves but would never buy for her self!
I am making my 21 month old a kitchen set. I can’t wait for her to see it on Christmas morning.
I will give out really great skin care products!
Although I’m not the one paying for it, my father and I are getting my mom a puppy for Christmas!
All of them – I can’t choose. I just love giving gifts to people, it’s my favorite time of year!
Subscription boxes! I love the idea of something that continues all year for them 🙂
I think the best gift I’m giving this year is a car racetrack for my son. He is going to flip!
I got my brother this awesome military watch that he’s had his eye on.
I still need to shop for the bf… ugh… I’m putting it off because nothing I could ever get him will top the NFL tickets I bought him for his birthday!
Oh my goodness!! I can’t believe there’s still one of these out there!! I joined too late for this one, but it was the whole reason I subscribed to PopSugar!! Anyway, excitement aside… the best gift I’m giving is probably a family initials necklace I got for my sister (a letter pendant for each member of her family). At least I hope she likes it!
I’m getting my boys balance bikes this year!
Probably Ugg slippers to my dad.
Hopefully this box to my wife. 🙂
I made terrariums in jars for all my girlfriends and co-workers. I think they’re pretty neat and I hope they think so, too!
My daughter is getting Saige, the American Girl of the year and a matching dress for her. My son is getting a motorized Lego train (and more, but we haven’t bought anything else yet!!). I think they will both really love their gifts!! 🙂
A birchbox subscription !!!! 🙂
One of those huge outdoor plastic play houses..They kids are going to freak when they wake up on christmas morning.
A digital camera for my mom.
tickets to a concert for my dad!
A necklace for my mom.
I got my husband a watch. He’s been wanting one for a few years. 🙂
Best gift I am giving – this was a tough year so I’m not giving as many. I’m making a scarf for my mom that I think she’ll really love 🙂 so that’s my favorite!
I got my grandma a Hummel figurine which has an older girl & younger boy standing over a baby girl in a cradle. She collects them. I thought this one was perfect since we just had the new baby & now have an older girl (K), boy (C) & baby girl (R) who are her three great grand kids.
Nail polish!
Of course my kiddos are getting great things but I am excited to give my husband a Nike + watch 🙂
My kids always receive awesome toys from me.
I’m giving my sister (a first year law student) a tank that says “girls just wanna have fun-damental rights.” She’s been obsessing over it forever!
The Churchill from Bespoke Post. A big sacrifice because I haaaaate that my husband smokes cigars.
seahawks tickets and im making presents as well =)
im getting my dad a new pocket knife to replace the one he lost
I’m giving an original oil painting to my daughter.
An electric scooter 🙂
Porcelan tea set for my daughter.
My “BFF” just got her passport to go to Zambia for a mission trip, so I got her a really pretty personalized leather passport cover.
I’ve been trading on Little Black Bag for the past year to get nice gifts for my sisters and mom. They’re each getting a leather bag, pair of shoes, scarf, and jewelry! I can’t wait to see them open everything! My daughter is getting a subscription to citrus lane. For my husband, I’m curating my own box for him. I’m going to make a little pamphlet like popsugar does and explain why I chose each item. I hope he likes it!
The best gift I’am giving this year is for my mom and it’s a Keurig coffee maker.
I am getting one of my friends The Walking Dead Board Game and another friend a Doctor Who 50th Special Anniversary Edition Monopoly game.
Engraved ornaments with my Grams photo and years of birth-death. This will be our first Christmas without her. My dad, brother and sister should love them!
Oh so many awesome cute things that I have found through subscription boxes that are going to make some fabulous presents for friends and family this year!
And thank you for such generous 12 days of giveaways! I am in love with that Cynthia Vincent bag!
I bought my husband a mountain bike, something he’s wanted for a long time! I can’t wait to give it to him.
my kids are both getting bikes!
Best gift – got my mom an “extra” oven for big meals. Can’t wait to see it in action.
I got my dad a really nice smoker. Smoked salmon all year round! Woohoo!
A new house for the hubby and I!!!
I am excited to give a few different subscription boxes to different family members that live far from me.
giving an expecting girlfriend a box of wonderful goodies! : )
I am giving a succulents garden to my boyfriend
A sports oat for my hubby.
I got the hubs a new iphone.
A sweet s&p set for my mom
A puppy for my nephew.
I’m giving my mom a piece of le crueset cookware. I can’t wait! 🙂
My girls are getting new beds and my son is getting cash!
I am giving my 7 yr old and 5 yr old their own samsung tablet (they will be able to stay off of my laptop and phone soon!!!) And I gave my husband the $750 he needed to get his business incorporated.
I got my mom a bunch of hand and nail items since she refuses to spend money on herself (she’ll buy things for everyone else first and then maybe herself) but her poor hands get torn up from work.
One of my best friends works very hard and rarely gets to treat herself. So I’m giving her the Birchbox Snow Day box and I can’t wait for her to enjoy the goodies in it!
Giving a photo book of a grandson to a mom/grandma who lives far away and can’t visit.
I’m getting my parents a new tv so they can get rid of their huge ancient one!
I’m getting my boyfriend a GPS. I’m tired of his apple phone getting him lost everywhere! lol
santa is giving my kids a kindle fire hdx
A mandolin for the hubs – although I figure ill wind up regretting it! Lmao!
An xbox one for my fianc?. I searched so many places!
The gift i am most excited about giving is my daughters leap pad, which she has been asking for (and got on clerance for 28.00!) 🙂
Well, I got my mom a Michael Kors’ wallet and a watch! Thanks for the chance (:
The best gift I’m giving this year is Justin Timberlake tickets. My friend wasn’t able to make it to the show in Fenway with Jay-Z, so I picked up tickets for Justin next year since she loves JT!
We’re counting our upcoming Disney trip as a family Christmas gift, so that’s definitely the best gift this year!
My mom is a die hard New York Giants fan and has never gotten to go to a game but tickets are so expensive. So Dad and I saved up and we bought her front row sideline seats to a game. Cant wait to see the look on her face
NY Giants!!!! <3
An iPhone for my oldest daughter – she’s old enough now (12) and she is at dance 4 nights a week since she dances competitively and I want her to be able to get in contact with me easily. She is going to flip out.
The entire collection of David Sedaris’ books to my future sister!
I’m giving my kids a laptop.
a Popsugar subscription to a friend!
My friend is a huge fan of Supernatural, so I crocheted her some Sam/Dean dolls.
I am giving my mom a new pair of Danskos, she has been wanting a pair forever but won’t spend the money!
The gift I’m most excited about giving is my daughters American Girl stuff, she will be over the moon. My oldest daughter would LOVE this box!
I’m going pretty simple this year but my niece and nephew ALWAYS fight over throw blankets so I got them both monogrammed throw blankets in navy and purple.
I am giving my husband a real replica Freddy glove from the “A Nightmare on Elm Street” series. He has always wanted one, so I am super excited!
Probably amazing Justin Timberlake tickets to my husband because he loves him.
The best gift I’m giving, is I’d have to say tablets. I bought 3 tablets for my sisters kids. ( she has 5)
giving my sister a hand painted canvas with photos of us all around!
a new wedding band for my husband!
The best gift I’m giving is our annual donation to the Colorado Coalition for the Homeless. Thank you!!!
I’m starting a yearly tradition of donating $$$ to a few pet rescues at Xmas. I usually do this in July, but I figured it was a smart to add in a winter donation, too.
I am giving my boys (well, really Santa is!) an activity table with a first Lego set for my big guy (5 1/2 yrs) and trains for my little guy (3 yrs.) So excited to see their faces!
nothing elaborate here. supper with the family and i’m making home made Brunswick stew, bbq sandwiches, all the fixin’s and sides. also I am loving the scented wax burner kits new from better home/garden at walmart bought these for each family. I have one in almost every room in my house, love them and they smell so good.
I have two favorites! First for my uncle who is really into grilling I got a one time BBQ Taste Trunk box (which he has no idea exists) and stuffed everything into a giant ovenmit and tired it together with a bow 🙂 My other favorite is for my aunt, she is having a really rough time, she is getting a divorce but still lives under the same roof as her husband and her son just got married and moved 3 hours away and his new wife, who she doesn’t really get a long with runs his life. I feel she must be very lonely so I got her a bunch of spa themed gifts, with a religious twist because she is a die-hard catholic, and wrapped them, all up separately each with a quote pertaining how the item can help her relax. I am so excuted!!!
I want this for myself. Is that bad?
I found my hubby a Vintage 1970’s tee from his College hes gonna LOVE it!
I gave all my staff a raise for Christmas!
I am giving my husband the Year off from getting me a present. Just stocking for us.
I think the best gift I gave this year was a POPSUGAR box full of nail polish for my Mom! She’ll be stocked up until next Christmas!
The best gift I’m giving this year is a Tablet. My father has talked about getting a tablet for the past 6 months, so hopefully he will love it.
We’re giving my almost 2 year old the green toys tool set and the book “What does the fox say?” She’s obsessed with tools and loves the song and books, so we thought it’d be fun.
My mom a Keurig. She is going to LOVE it.
The best gift I’m giving this year is literally anything I’m giving to my son. He’s at the perfect age this year he’s actually really into Christmas so I can’t wait for him to open his gifts!
I am giving my husband vintage ninja turtle action figures. There are only a couple left so I am surprising him. 🙂
The best gift I am trying to make happen is a ps4 for my fianc?. But they’re sold out everywhere! I’m searching… If that doesn’t come thru the best gift will probably be November and December Popsugar boxes
I’m giving my momma an iphone! I’m excited – she still has an ancient 5 yr old phone that half the time malfunctions. She never accepts nice things and she SO deserves nice things!!!!
A tablet for my mom; she loves playing games on her phone, but it really strains her eyes, so now she’ll be able to see 🙂
Getting my husband a roku
My husband and i bought/gave each other a house this Christmas!
I am giving my mother a blue bowl she had from her childhood. I scoured the internet looking for the same one she broke two years ago.
The best gift Im giving this year was to my mom, when i took her on a shopping spree 😀
Lakers Tickets for my dad!
Surprising my sister with Pippa Middleton’s cookbook she has been wanting for so long!!
Kindle Fire
I’m making fudge and cookies for all the firefighters and police officers, which we do every year, which is probably what I’m most excited about. But my husband would probably say his present: I got him a new nexus 7 tablet and case.
An airplane collection for our son and the gifts I got for my husband (he is such a rascal and ALWAYS figures out what I am getting him! Always!! This year I took extra measures to ensure he could not figure them out! oh the element of surprise…)
Popsugar box for my sis in law!!
I’m getting my mom an electric staple/nail gun. She loves power tools and I know she’s going to be super excited about getting this.
The best gift I am giving is to myself from my mom who passed away in April of this year. I had her signature from her Christmas card from 2012 made into a necklace charm that says, Love, Mom. It is her signature and it gets put on a silver rectangle to hang from a necklace. Then I will always have her with me. I won’t get it until after Christmas due to the holiday rush and time Takes to make it, but I am considering it a Christmas present!
Love this idea. Sorry for your loss.
My fianc?: I’m “giving” him my hand in marriage! lol We are getting married three days after Christmas on our 6-year anniversary. 😀
My boyfriend and I bought each other a king sized bed on Black Friday – it’s amazing and so much better than the full we were sleeping on!
The best gift is pictures of my daughter. They are her one year pictures and she has some grandmothers that are going to go crazy over them. They will be a hit. Also we did some shoeboxes to reach children all over the world and spread the love of Jesus.
Hubs and I made each other amazon wish lists, and he put these strategic board games on there as his highest priority. I told him absolutely no, as we already have way too many, but then secretly went back and bought 4 for him. That’s what he really wanted, so how can I say no? 🙂
The best gift I got was a 6 month subscription toy subscription for one of my daughters
I gave my husband a new TV- I told him that the neighbor was having us store it at our house so he could surprise his wife….then MY husband got to open it Christmas morning! 🙂
I gifted a binka box to a new mom 🙂
Thank you for all the giveaways!! Crossing my fingers and toes until the 20th!
iPad for my husband !
The best (I hope) gifts I am giving are all handmade by me or someone I know.
We are giving my in-laws a trip to come visit us (or they can use the money for something else they need). They’ve had a stressful year so hopefully it’ll brighten their day/season!
A new car for the hubs!
The best is my baby’s gift of wooden blocks. he’ll love them.
I got my 11 yr old niece subscriptions to Loot Crate and Ibbeautiful. She is gonna love it, and I know how thrilled I was to get mail at that age :)… Hahahaha, still am actually
My preteen and teen girls love ibbeautiful! I got my teen girl loot crate and ipsy too!
I’m giving my mom everything including cookbooks to make donuts as she has always wanted to try making them.
I am surprising my boyfriend with WWE tickets because he loves wrestling, even though I don’t lol
A laptop for my mom
I honestly don’t know this year. We’re in a weird spot. I think the best thing we’re all getting this year is another Christmas with my Dad and it’s the first year my boys will be having Grandma & Papa spend the night on Christmas Eve. They are super excited. Gifts have gotten odd this year- but I think Hayden getting the Lalaloopsy Patch Treasure Chest pirate doll (yep, it’s a doll, he asked for it) – that look just like him, he’s going to like that a lot. Preston- KOKO has a new train and a trainer – those will make the kid happier than an elf the day after Christmas. There aren’t big gifts money wise this year. Gosh, this answer wasn’t easy, Jen. 🙁
I will be planting trees in honor of my niece, nephew and my father who just passed away 3 weeks ago.
I am so sorry.
Joy Division and Depeches Mode shirts to my hubby! He’s gonna die of excitement! 😉
Ugh, DEPECHE. Obviously I’m not a huge fan, I can’t even spell the band’s name right!
I framed print that I made for my husband at Minted.
Wine of the month club membership for my sister and her boyfriend…theyre huge wine lovers I know and its perfect for them!
Don’t be mad, but I am getting my brother an OSU Buckeyes jersey. (You can’t be mad, because your team won haha 🙂 ) He lives in Texas, and misses supporting his OH team.
We’re getting our 5 yr old a bearded dragon…i’ve never given a creature as a gift before but I am super excited bc I know he is going to be beyond thrilled!
My mother is getting an amazing clock pendant necklace from JewelMint.
Pepper Jelly
We’re getting my brother in law an iGrill that connects his grill with his iphone/ipad. He’s all into apple products so I think he’ll love it
well the best one I can’t say just in case someone reads this (but you already know what it is I told you the other day)
the best that I can say…all the women (my mom, aunts, daughters,sister and nieces) are all getting designer bags stuffed with various box items…the bags are from Little Black Bag the contents from all the boxes over the last 5 months (this is why I have done very little trading since July I had to stock up) I hope they love them as much as I have enjoyed putting them togather (2 0f the younger ones are getting Nila Anthony backpacks instead of purses)
Each year I pick a theme and personalize it each year for the people I give to. Like, one year it was cheese and wine; one year jewelry and wallets, one year hand made bath and body, this year is cozy, so everyone is getting stuff to keep warm, soft pj’s, scarfs, cocco and coffee, stuff like that; but my new nefew is getting sock monkey and a craft I made of old blocks that spell his name in a shelf made of old rulers( my sis is a math teacher) so that is different, but hey no one will have anything like it!
I don’t do family gifts anymore. Not to sound mean but the kids in my family are really bratty so I choose not to participate in the gift giving. For the past few years my mom and I have been doing Operation Christmas Child where we make tons of boxes for children around the world. Thinking of the kids that will get excited over the most tiny thing like a toothbrush or some new pencils brings tears to my eyes. We jam pack boxes full of things from school supplies, toiletries, clothes and some extra fun stuff. It honestly brings so much joy to my life and helps me experience the true meaning of Christmas. I love sharing this tradition with my mom because it is something we bond over. I can’t wait to have kids so that we can share this with them too.
I’m giving the gift of time. I’m offering free babysitting services, baking/cooking, pet sitting, volunteering where/when I can, etc…since my husband’s been off of work due to an injury, money’s pretty tight, but I always have a little time to give.
I’m baking cookies…I hate to bake. I consider that a pretty selfless good act. 🙂
My son had two payments left on his car and we paid it off
My nephew has always wanted a Reds jersey, so I finally found one I think he’ll like! He’s a big Cincinnati Reds fan, but I love him anyways. 😉
I made a photo album for my mom with pictures from her 3 months visiting us here in the US! She will love!!!
I’m excited about a lot of the gifts we are giving this year, but I’m excited to introduce my best friend to BirchBox via a gift subscription 🙂
The perfect cook book for my boyfriend.
My son knows I love Jane Austen, and he came up with a funny mashup idea inspired by the Phineus & Ferb cartoon — Pride & Platypus. I’ve often wished I could draw cartoons of his ideas, but I’m hopeless. This time though I asked a friend who does art on commission to draw it for him, and although it probably won’t be the most fun present he receives or the one he likes best, I think he’ll be proud of it, and it will be the one he remembers as special because he came up with it.
I’m giving my bf’s brother birchbox men and i can’t wait!
My love..
Guess I should figure that out pretty soon, huh?
My nephew is going go through a series of treatments for allergies and I rounded up all the ‘Going to the Doctor’ books I could find at Barnes & Noble. I think he will feel a little better and brave knowing that all his fav characters have been down that road.
My daughter is always pretending to vacuum. I dont know why she loves our Dyson so much. I found a toy dyson that looks almost exactly like ours… she will NOT stop playing with that one!
A pretty pink jewelry box for my ten y/o so that she can store all of the beautiful brooches her Great Uncle has been giving her this last year 🙂
A subscription to Umba, thanks to your reviews!
I haven’t started shopping yet!!!
The best gift would probably be a Popsugar sub to my sister.
This box is by far my favorite box out of all of the PS Special Editions!
Frozen – Elsa and Anna dolls from the Disney Store 🙂
treating my hubby to vip tickets to go see Jabawookez in Vegas.
I think the best gift is the fact that my parents are going to be with us for Christmas! Kids are excited because they know G-ma is bringing baked goodies.
Hmmm, I don’t know really. I bought my dad a fishing pole which I know he’ll enjoy, and my boyfriend has been dying for some cologne so he got that as well. Nothing super exciting this year!
I haven’t done any shopping yet!
best give away yet!
I bought my younger brother a Flyers jersey (I’m from outside of Philadelphia) and had his name put on the back! He’s going to love it!
I’m giving my husband three pairs of Clark shoes that I got from the outlets! Best part is that they were on sale 😉
A baby boy!
I think the best gifts I am giving is not what is inside but the wrapping itself. I got some Justin Bieber wrapping paper from Target Clearance last year. But ohhhh how I wish I had some Miley Cyrus or Hannah Montana paper.
A special bling coffee mug for my younger sister. She celebrates 8 years free from breast cancer this year!
homemade “pampering in a jar” jars!
The best gift I’m giving is all six seasons of The Big Bang Theory.
I bought one of my sister in laws a gorgeous infinity scarf. Almost wanted to keep it for myself!
A dr mcstuffins dr kit! My 2 year old has reminded me she wants one everyday for the past 3 months.
Having my baby boy is my best gift this year! Being a mama to my 3 sons is the best gift I can give them, along with their daddy who loves them & me so much!
amazing books to my husband.
The best gift I gave this year was a carefully planned out care package to my friend that included a lot of items that were inside jokes and had sentimental value. 🙂
My daughters first bike.
The best gift in my opinion is food and family! I will be giving both!
The best gift I’m giving is a ticket home to Ireland. My mother has been very homesick these past few years. She’s from a family of 6, and although we use skype, it’s not the same. I saved up all year to send her. She’s going to be very surprised!
The best give I’ve ever given was when we were very young, very broke, and I put away $10 and $20 at a time to save for a Playstation for my husband. He still calls it the best present ever – 15 years later!
Which doesn’t make up for the fact that I have one small present and one stocking stuffer purchased for this Christmas!
I am giving an upcycled infinity scarf made from old skirts.
Jesse Tree Ornaments for Advent.
pinkscissorsdesign @gmail .com
Pink Scissors Design on Etsy
Well…in my daughter’s opinion it will be an Easy Bake Oven 😉
The best gift I’m giving this year are the homemade photo calendars to all the grandparents. I originally thought it was a generic idea until I kept getting requests for them to be repeated every year.
A bunch of toddler legos for my niece
Christmas will be tight this year as I am not working (new baby) but I plan on cashing in a huge jar of change I have been collecting to buy the husband a new kitchen knife (his favorite thing).
Lots os subscription boxes! Best gift is probably a leap pad for my 3 yr old though.
I got my husband some a set of camera lenses that attach to his iphone along with a tripod all from photojojo. I’m so excited for him to open it!!!
a homegrown collective box for my sister!
A Wii U for my boys. They have no idea because I’ve been going on and on about how they don’t take care of the Wii:)
I will be making dinner for my family this year 🙂 and the next day we’re going on a picnic too organized by me! teehee <3
Probably the personalized shutter fly calendar I made for my mom 🙂
I’m giving my husband a new leather jacket.
My oldest son just got a pair of boots from the Saks outlet today. They were $299 originally and we got them for $89. Major steal!
Doll house
I’ve gotten two great MZ Wallace bags for myself and two for my mom at 30-50% off during their advent calendar sale! I had forgotten how great the daily discounts are… now I just have to refrain from buying more things when they come out with new spring colors and styles! (http://www.mzwallace.com/epop/advent)
This year my favorite gift is a subscription box! First year giving/getting! Love!
Can’t wait to give my dad the cologne we bought for him, he’s been looking for it for a long time ~ Thank you for the giveaway!
It’s a tossup between my daughter’s laptop and the fun-yet-educational gifts I got for all of our nieces & nephews (snap circuits & hieroglyph sets! I hope they let me play with them lol!).. and cookies, everyone is getting so many cookies. How can that not be at the top of the list of things to give?!
The best gift I am giving is the new Kurig to my mom that I won from a sweepstakes.
Tool chest for my husband aka a place to find a screwdriver because I know we must have at least 5 but can never find one
I’m getting my dad a vintage pocket watch for his collection.
The best gift I am giving is to my sister. We usually get each other a bunch of small gifts instead of a big one. So She’s getting a tote bag with gloves, pajama pants, owl slippers, lipstick, lotion, t-shirt…lots of fun stuff!
Giving everyone in the family new watches. It’s the first year both kids want them. Michelle for me (a bargain at Watch Station), Michael Kors for the 18 year old, Ted Baker for my hubby and a Casio for my 12 year old son. (Plus a cool digital Penguin as a surprise!)
Measuring spoons/cups set fromWilliams Sonoma
I am excited to gift some box subscriptions this year!
I am giving my mom a kitchenaid stand mixer.
Giving gifts to kids who might not otherwise have presents for Christmas! I wish I could see them get the gifts, but I know they will like them because they put down an item they really want!
The best gift I am giving is money for my nephew and little sister’s savings accounts. They both get sooooo many toys and other things, so I just deposit money into their savings. They will (hopefully) appreciate it when they are older!
Lego set for my son
I am giving a camera to my eight year old. It has been his number one request for the last three Christmases and he is finally responsible enough to own one.
My father-in-law passed away in Feb and my grandmother passed away in Aug. My husband and I went on the star registry and named stars after them for my MIL and my Papap. The stars a and they are a perfect representation of them in heaven for us to see.
I get to give my honey a beautiful watch!!
Got my husband slippers, a new wallet, a new scarf, a shirt, and Star Trek Into Darkness
The only gift that I’m giving this holiday season (so I guess my default my best gift) is my Secret Santa on MUT!