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Thursday Thoughts

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TTGood copy

It’s time for another Thursday Thoughts! If you want to participate, but have no idea what a link-up is, you can check out my explanation of it here.

~Has this week seemed LONG to anyone else? Not in long as in wow, I am getting so much stuff done, but as in wow, I am so exhausted this week is sucking the life out of me long? Maybe it’s just me!

~So L’s school party is today and I am so proud of myself for not waiting until 2am to get everything I needed all ready for it. Thank you to Heather over at Instead of the Laundry… I was able to find the Photo Booth props I was looking for at Target! I hadn’t been able to find them at my Target because they were sold-out, which makes complete sense now. I KNEW I had seen them there and thought I was loosing my mind when I couldn’t find them again recently. $5 for the set. Umm, yes please!

The Props

~Okay, as WB and I were grabbing our Starbucks after our successful find, I spied a stack of the Starbucks Advent Calendars with orange stickers on them. You know, the ones I blogged about here. Umm, it turns out they were markdown down to $8.98!!!!! Regular $29.95. And don’t forget that that includes a $5 Target card, so basically I paid $3 for this. My mom was like yeah you couldn’t even make your own with tins for that price. I am going let the boys do this one and the book advent thing we do next year. Yay!!!

Such a deal!

~Can we talk about Homeland? If you didn’t watch yet, don’t click into this spoiler. [spoiler]BRODY DIED? WTF! I did not see that coming – at all. I almost feel like I need to rematch the entire season just to see what I missed.[/spoiler] And now I am even more anxious for next season to start!  Also, does anyone know when the next season of Orange is the New Black will be back on Netflix?  I feel like it’s been a long time since the last season ended.

~Based on pretty much everyone’s recommendations, I picked up the Washi Tape & Dispenser Set at Costco yesterday.  It was $16.99 and umm, I love it.  Zero idea of what I am going to do with it other than pretty up my planner, but it looks really pretty on my desk.  I also picked up some giant rolls of wrapping paper and now have no excuse not to wrap presents.  It’s on this weekend.

The Set

~This is so random, but has anyone ever verified / tested the burn time listed on candles?  Like say your candle says it has a burn time of 25 hours.  Have you verified that?   I never have, but I am so curious about it.  Let’s all test this.  After the holiday craziness of course.

~I posted this on Instagram, but I finished up L’s classmate party favor / holiday gifts yesterday afternoon.  I was so proud of myself for not waiting until after midnight to get started on these.  The boys are getting legos and a matchbox car and the girls are getting a glittery pouch and some Cinderella glitter spray!  All things I bought during Target’s after holiday 90% off clearance sales.  I think the boys stuff cost about $0.60/each and the girls about $0.90/each?  Not bad at all!  The other parents probably think I am crazy and spend a fortune, but not even ;).  And it gives me an excuse to Target clearance shop even more because I love it so much.

Goodie Bags

What’s going on for your Thursday today? Anything exciting? Any last minute holiday things you need to take care of?

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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