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Monday Morning Ramblings

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~So today was to be “back to normal” after the holiday craziness around here, but it appears we have an extra few days of fun. We got a ton of snow yesterday and, that, combined with the sub-zero temperatures means L has no school not only today, but tomorrow too! Woot woot! And, what’s even better is that B has tomorrow off because of the snow too! YES! So flippin awesome. Honestly everything around here is canceled. It’d be easier for them to make a list of the schools that are open. Which would be, umm, none. It’s going to be so cold that we can’t really spend all day outside like we did yesterday, but we will figure something fun out. #soexcited #snowday

Winter Fun!

~I missed The Bachelor special last night (Jimmy Fallon > Juan Pablo any day of the week), but I am ready for the tonight. That first night in the mansion is always so awkward. So awkward. I’m going to embrace it tonight though instead of covering my eyes in embarrassment for them all!

It’s Juan-uary!

~I’m expecting quite a few boxes this week including Hello Fresh, Plated, Stork Stack, Fabletics, Mama’s Got Mail, Stitch Fix, MAZ Box and probably a few more I can’t think of right now. It should be a fun week!  My neighborhood is a hot mess, so it’s possible I won’t even get mail today.  We’ll see!

~So what’s the deal with Downton Abbey?  Do I need to be watching this?  All I’ve been hearing is how great it is and if I am missing something fabulous, I want to know!

Do I need this in my life?

~B and I made it to Starbucks yesterday morning for our free coffees.  Listen, those mugs were the best thing ever.  We are totally venturing out today sometime for some too.   Yesterday morning we stopped at Tim Horton’s to get the boys doughnuts and OMG you would have thought we took them to Toys R Us.  I doubt we will ever be able to pass a TH again without WB losing his mind.  He thought those TimBits were amazing.

~I am totally loving reading everyone’s goals for 2014 in the GLOSSYBOX giveaway post. Just so you know, I am planning on stealing some of these goals and adding them to my list ;).  Great ideas everyone!

~I don’t know  if you noticed, but added a Coupon Codes tab to the Menu Bar.  I felt like it was getting hidden away in the Subscription Box List and I wanted to get it so everyone could see it!  I plan to work on getting it 100% updated in the next few days, so stay tuned.  Also, I don’t know if anyone noticed, but the “About Me” tab is gone (have I mentioned this before?).  I had some technical issues (I’d explain it but I don’t even get it) and had to take it down so I could fit it.  Clearly I haven’t gotten to that yet.  It’s on my list though.

It’s Here Now

~I’m going to give it a few more days, just in case, but it appears so far that the winner of my “What Box Should I Try Next” poll is the Social Bliss Style Box!  To be honest, I really do want to check that one out, so this poll gives me an excuse to buy it ;).

That’s it for now.  What are your plans for this week?  Are you getting hit with this cold weather?  Do you have a snow day?  What are you doing to stay warm (and) busy??

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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