Poll: Shoes in the House? Yay or Nay?

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This poll has nothing to do with basically anything (#random), but I am curious, do you wear your shoes in the house? We don’t here, but if I go up-north to my parent’s place, we all do and no one really thinks anything of it. But at home? Never! I feel weird even if I have shoes on and am just running upstairs to grab something I forgot before I run out the door.

If we have people over I don’t expect (or ask) them to take their shoes off though. You just never know what kind of socks people are wearing or what condition their feet are in, so I wouldn’t want anyone to feel weird .  Plus, shoes often make the outfit.  And remember when Carrie went to that Baby Shower and had her shoes stolen?? Not good at all! I’m not sure if anyone has ever asked me to remove my shoes at their house, but if I notice that no one is wearing shoes, I’ll take them off because you know, I am in their house – their rules.

What doubt you?  Do you wear shoes in the house? Do you ask your guests to remove their shoes when they come in? Would you care if someone wanted you to remove your shoes at their house?

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 37 Comments

  1. Alexia561

    If I’m planning on going out again later, I leave my shoes on. If I’m just staying home, then no shoes. I’ve only had to take my shoes off once, and that was when we were looking at houses and the owners had a sign by the front door asking everyone to please remove their shoes. Houses are meant for living, so I have no problem with everyone leaving their shoes on! And yes, I remember that SITC episode every time this question comes up! *L*

    1. Jennifer

      I am not sure if I have ever actually been asked to take off my shoes. I need to think about that one???

  2. Haleigh

    I personality don’t understand how people can wear shoes in their house. Maybe if I didn’t live somewhere with a winter I wouldn’t find it so strange, but if I even run in quick to grab something after being outside I end up with salt and dirt all over my floor. It seems like there would be much more of a mess to clean up after on a daily basis and wouldn’t the carpets get dirty much faster? Also, what if you want to sit and put your feet up on the couch? I generally don’t ask my guests to take their shoes off, but when they don’t and I know they have dirt and snow on their shoes I cringe.

    1. Jennifer

      My entry way is a complete disaster today from snow, salt, etc. It’s a wreck!!!!

  3. Leana

    Funny poll! It’s my pet peeve when people wear shoes in my house. I don’t want all the dirt or whatever they’ve been walking on in my house. It was also my culture growing up (mom is Asian) to not wear shoes in the house.

    1. Jennifer

      I’ll remember that if I come over!!!!

  4. Jenny

    Kindof depends what I’m wearing. In the summer I slip my rainbows off but if I have my tennis shoes on or boots or something I wear them. We don’t have a set rule here so its whatever you want. I don’t like going to peoples houses and basically not letting me in the door without taking my shoes off. If I notice noone has shoes on like you I normally take mine off but don’t hound me about it and just stare at me until I do it.

    1. Jennifer

      LOL totally!!!!

  5. Kathy

    We live in SoCal in a very Hawaiian area where it is the custom to remove shoes when entering a home. We have no shoe rules in our home, just whatever makes our guests comfortable. I pretty much only wear slippers (cold feet) and switch to outdoor shoes on the way out.

    1. Jennifer

      I always some socks or slippers or something on too!

  6. Liz

    We never wear shoes in our house. We have a cute sign that says “Remove Thy Shoes” on in the inside of our front door, but we don’t actually enforce that or ask guests to take their shoes off. Honestly, we have an old home and a few dogs, so I don’t know if our floors are even clean and nice enough for us to justify asking people to take the shoes off. The problem is our floors are from the 1920s and made of Fir which is a soft wood, so they scratch up really easily. Heels or something of that nature can totally put a gouge in the wood.

    1. Jennifer

      Ohh, that’s a tough situation with your floors! It’s kind of like a fancy boat where you have to take your shoes off so you don’t scratch it!

  7. Melissa

    I wear shoes or slippers all the time, I can’t stand bare feet. My kids and my husband hardly ever wear shoes in the house though, I’m the freak show in the family – lol.

    1. Jennifer

      Unless it’s really warm out, I am kind of weird about bare feet too.

  8. I am a barefoot kind of person and never wear shoes indoors; my other half on the other hand can’t walk around without slippers or flip flops on.

    One of my biggest pet peeves is going in to other people’s homes and they expect you to take your shoes off. I think that is a little uncouth; what if you are a female and in heels, but don’t have a recent pedicure? Eek. I’d be mortified. I know someone who keeps a basket of socks near their door for guests who come over, but even that is a bit odd to me. No shoes rules in a home for the occupants is one thing… but for guests, it shouldn’t apply. Just my two cents…. 🙂

    1. Jennifer

      I kind of think the same. what if I have holes in my socks? I guess I should be better prepared!

  9. Ashley C.

    It really depends – my husband has a bad habit of NEVER taking his off until he’s sitting in his chair in the living room. So he’s walked halfway through the house in wet/dirty shoes before removing them. I try to make sure the kids and I take ours off at the door, but if we are only going to be home for a few minutes before leaving again, I don’t make an issue of it. As far as other people in our house — I don’t ask. Most people coming over stay in the kitchen or living room, and they both are super easy to vacuum after people have left if necessary. As far as other peoples’ houses, though — it depends on the people. If I know they usually take theirs off, I’ll do the same. Otherwise, I go based on the state of the house. We have some friends that are NOT good housekeepers — I MAKE my kids keep their shoes on at that house. Other homes, I’ll see the owners with shoes on and still make my kids take theirs off because its a nicer home with nicer clean furniture and I wouldn’t want to mark up their couch with dirty sneakers or what have you!

    1. Jennifer

      Yeah, my kids shoes are always so dirty! If there is a puddle, they have to jump in it, so they usually need to take their shoes off!

  10. Laurie

    I live in a climate with snow as well so I completely expect people to remove their shoes when entering my house. In fact, I don’t know anyone, friends, family or neighbours who allow people to wear shoes in their homes. Maybe it’s just the thing in my city! In my eyes I just think all the dirt, grime and unknowns that are walked on outside I don’t want trailed in my house. I want to feel comfortable with my kids playing on my floor and I don’t want my floors ruined. I just think it shows good manners to remove your shoes when entering someone’s home.

    1. Jennifer

      My floor was a mess of water today even with no shoes. I cannot even imagine what it would have been like with shoes on!

  11. JT

    I have a lot of titanium in my foot so shoes aren’t really comfortable anymore so at home, I never wear shoes, and with good friends I usually take mine off so I’m not as uncomfortable…but I’d never ask someone to remove theirs.

    1. Jennifer

      If I am just hanging out at a friends, they are off, but at like a party where you wear at outfit, they are on!

  12. Tasha

    I am in Canada, and I honestly never knew until a few years ago, that people even wore shoes inside. Any house you visit here, it is generally implied. At least in this part of the country. My grandma did, but they were strictly indoor shoes. So clearly, we do not wear shoes in. I can’t imagine how disgusting my floor would be, daily.

    1. Jennifer

      My would be a mess in the winter and spring. Fall and summer might be okay. Assuming people it wasn’t raining of course!

  13. Beth

    My background on my Dad’s side is Pacific islander, so I’m used to the not wearing shoes in the house as a cultural thing. I live up in the Midwest now though, so I’m never sure how to handle it. We go ahead and take off our shoes at the front door, mostly to help keep the floors cleaner, but I don’t demand it of people, and I don’t have any signs requesting people to take off their shoes. However, when people see a mat with a bunch of shoes on it near the door, they tend to take their shoes off too. At least in our area.

    1. Jennifer

      My floor would be a mess if people tracked their snowy / muddy boots in.

  14. Robin

    I am a single woman living alone. I never wear shoes in the house. My friends know this and generally follow suit without my having to ask. Many of my friends have similar “rules” so I take off my shoes. If I go to someone’s home I have not been to before, I look for hints as to the rules…if they are shoes by the door I add mine to the pile, if the hostess is shoeless I will ask. I always keep a pair of footies in my purse to put on if I am barefoot or wearing stockings…prevents snags!

    1. Jennifer

      You are a good planner!!!!

  15. Tellulah B.

    I have always worn shoes in the house. My current house is completely tiled, so cleaning isn’t an issue, I just whip out my steam vac and I’m good to go. However, the tile gets very cold in the winter, so asking anyone to take thier shoes off would be mean. I understand people that don’t like having shoes in the house, but I have cats that like to bring creepy crawlers in, and if you have ever stepped on a dead lizard barefoot, you would always make sure to wear shoes.+

    1. Jennifer

      LOL!!!!! That is one good reason for having shoes on in the house!

  16. Mark

    Shoes off please. We take our shoes off at the door, as do our guests. We wear slippers and when visiting friends and family we take our slippers to wear. Everyone we know seems to do this, especially at this time of year.

    1. Jennifer

      I should remember to do that!

  17. Robin

    LOL!!!…it keeps my feet warm and saves money as p/h are expensive

  18. I think it’s common practice in MN to take your shoes off in someone’s house. Everyone does it instinctly. In fact, we have to tell our guests to leave theirs on! We have hardwood floors and dogs and I always feel like our guests are just going to get dirty socks. I never feel like our floors are clean enough! But I would never leave my shoes on at anyone else’s house.

    However, my husband did a supreme job on the floors just before the New Year. I walked around in my bare feet and socks and was just loving it! I warned our guests before New Year’s Eve to bring slippers because I was going to actually ask them to remove their shoes when they came over that night so that we could preserve the coziness and cleanliness! 😉

    1. Jennifer

      LOL!!!! I always wanted hardwood floors! They look so gorgeous but the upkeep would be too much for me!

  19. tina

    I don’t wear my shoes at home…I live in the city and the streets are so disgusting I would never want to track in whatever is on the bottom of my shoes…EEK! Especially since my kids are always rolling around the floor. My husband on the other hand thinks I’m crazy and always gets mad when I tell him to take off his shoes. He will walk all over the house with his shoes on. He just put in hardwood floors because every time people came over I would freak out about people walking all over the carpet in shoes…yes people looked at me crazy and would get all pissed off when asked to take their shoes off….I understand the whole socks issue but I’m sorry I don’t want the filth from nasty city streets all over my floor. I have asked some of my friends who are Asian and they have told me it is customary to take off your shoes at the door and it doesn’t matter if people want to or not but they MUST take their shoes off to enter the house.

    1. Jennifer

      So many different rules!!!!

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