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Poll: Shoes in the House? Yay or Nay?

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This poll has nothing to do with basically anything (#random), but I am curious, do you wear your shoes in the house? We don’t here, but if I go up-north to my parent’s place, we all do and no one really thinks anything of it. But at home? Never! I feel weird even if I have shoes on and am just running upstairs to grab something I forgot before I run out the door.

If we have people over I don’t expect (or ask) them to take their shoes off though. You just never know what kind of socks people are wearing or what condition their feet are in, so I wouldn’t want anyone to feel weird .  Plus, shoes often make the outfit.  And remember when Carrie went to that Baby Shower and had her shoes stolen?? Not good at all! I’m not sure if anyone has ever asked me to remove my shoes at their house, but if I notice that no one is wearing shoes, I’ll take them off because you know, I am in their house – their rules.

What doubt you?  Do you wear shoes in the house? Do you ask your guests to remove their shoes when they come in? Would you care if someone wanted you to remove your shoes at their house?

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!