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Poll: What do you set your thermostat to in the winter?

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I did this exact same poll last year, but this Polar Vortex has me all kinds of wondering how nasty my heating bill is going to be this month. It’s not going to be good I am certain of that.  Like when the bill comes I may need to sit down with a drink and open it.  I believe the air temperature (not even the windchill) here was a delightful -9F this morning and our house is currently set at 66F, so that’s a lot of work for our furnace.  Trust me, if I wasn’t scared I’d get a $1K heating bill, I would have that thing set to 72 degrees and I’d have a beach party in here!

I believe the most popular answer last year was between 68-72 degrees, which seems about normal.   Have things changed since then or are you doing things the same even with all this nasty nasty weather most of us are getting?  Heck, it snowed in FLORIDA today!  My goodness!  And are dreading that heating bill this month?  I’m kind of thinking it could be double the normal??

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!