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Still loving these!

Currently Burning…
Bath & Body Works Strawberry Sorbet!  LOVE this scent.  It’s amazing.  I am pretty much obsessed with this entire bakery / sweets line they have going on right now.


Currently Watching…
The Real World Ex-plosion!  I am behind and need to get caught up.  I tried to find those Teen Mom specials, but they aren’t appearing anywhere on my iTunes / Hulu / whatever yet.

Real World

Currently On My “To Do” List…
Umm, pretty much the same as last time I wrote this?  I need to organize my subscription box closet of goodies and get some make-up boxes together for my cousins!  And I am STILL working on putting together a bag for thredUP.  Oh and I need to work on stuff for our Disney trip as well!

Currently Excited About…
Probably March Madness!  It’s almost that time and I am SO ready!  We did a March Madness contest last year on here and I am thinking of doing something similar here this year?  Not sure how it will work, but be ready!  Plus, if Michigan States does well that puts me in a super good mood and I like to give stuff away!

Currently Annoyed About…
This book I sold.  It was lost by the Post Office (I got the label returned to me and they said it fell off the package whatever that means) and now I need to figure out what in the world I need to do to get this mess fixed.  The buyer thinks I am making this story up even though they have the tracking number that shows everything, neither one of us have the book and I am just annoyed that this label magically fell off my package (I use so much tape on things I don’t even know how it would be possible, but whatever).

Currently Obsession…
Cell phone cases.  It’s so odd, but I am obsessed with people’s cell phone cases.  I love seeing everyone’s different cases and I want to switch mine up constantly!  What case do you have right now?  Where do you get them all?

Currently Anxious About…
Both boys being sick to start!  WB is still teething like crazy (and is NOT happy about it) and we had to pick L up from school today because he has the flu (or something).  I want my boys to feel better!!!

Currently Buying…
MUK LUKS.  B even made fun of me this morning for buying another pair on Haute Look (that’s my referral link), but I couldn’t help myself.


What’s currently going on with you?


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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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