Disclosure: If you make a purchase through the links posted below, I may receive a small compensation. Read the full disclosure.

Artistry Gift Wrap, who kindly sent me this box to review, sends you an exciting monthly box filled with fun papers, bows, ribbons and more, which will be delivered to your door. Each month a different artist or designer or type of specialty gift wrap will be featured in their ‘surprise’ boxes, which will also be available for purchase in their shop.

Artistry Gift Wrap ships via USPS Priority Mail. Your first box will ship within 1 -5 days of ordering. Currently boxes ship from Illinois and are only available in the United States.

This was the first time I had ever ever seen an Artistry Gift Wrap package and wasn’t totally sure what to expect. I was excited to see that there was an information card included!
I liked what I saw in the first look! The colors were great and it seemed like items I would have picked out myself.
Like I said, I was thrilled that the box included an information card. Without an information card I am left to my own devices to describe things which doesn’t always turn out well! The February 2014 Artistry Gift Wrap box featured traditional American gift wrap as follows:
~Spectacular Spectrum Flat Wrap ($2.50): I totally love this print. It’s gorgeous and I am looking forward to wrapping someone’s gift in this! Maybe a Mother’s Day gift? So pretty!
~What a Hoot Flat Wrap ($2.50): Another cute wrap. I am thinking it’s be perfect for a younger girl or, heck I’d even like it if I received something wrapped up in this.
~Washi Wishes Flat Wrap: Seriously how adorable is this? It’s perfect. It says “B-Day Make A Wish” in what is suppose to look like washi tape. Totally me!
~Cupcake Party Candy Purse ($4): A cute little gift purse. I love getting little presents in things like these!
~3D Bloomin Burst 3D Gift Tag ($1): Am I the only one who feels badly about using fancy gift tags? I want to give them, but them I want the person I am giving them to to be able to pass them along to the next person. So silly!
~Nesting Gift Card Pouch ($2): I always like to put gift cards in something other than just a card and this is just the thing.
~White Sheer Curly Bow, Magenta Confetti Bow & Yellow Confetti Bow ($4.35): All cute bows which perfectly match the wrapping paper paper included in the box.
~Chevron Labels & Seals ($1): Fun labels and stickers which again match the wrapping paper included. I may just end up stealing a few of these away for my planner because they are that cute.
~Razzle Dazzle Ribbon ($3.50): Does anyone have any amazing secrets on how to tie ribbons into fabulous bows? Mine always look like a child did it. But some people make them so amazing. Help!
All totaled, per prices listed on the Artistry Gift Wrap information card, I came up with a total of $23.35 for the February 2014 box. Boxes are $24.98, so it’s not a “value” box, but rather more of a box of convenience so you don’t have to run out to the store to pick up gift wrap at the last minute!
What do you think of Artistry Gift Wrap? If you are interested in subscribing, click here and use the coupon code “NEWBOX” to save $10 off your first box (expires on 2/18) “PRES10” to save 10% off your subscription! That would make your first box $9 plus shipping which is a complete steal. The March Artistry Gift Wrap box is featuring handmade wrapping paper imported from England which sounds pretty cool!