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Mama’s Got Mail, who kindly sent me this box to review, arrived this afternoon! Our street has finally been plowed by the city and it’s a complete dream out there now. I bet the mail lady was thrilled when she drove down it today!
If you aren’t familiar, the idea behind Mama’s Got Mail is to help you feel encouraged and supported as a mom so that you can be the best woman you can be. Previous boxes have ranged from bath products to books to crafts to jewelry to coffee. You never (and you know I try to guess) know what will be in the box, but you always know that it will be all about making time for YOU!
Mama’s Got Mail ships via USPS Priority Mail at the beginning of the month. Never have I heard of a delayed shipment, customer service issues, etc. It’s always perfectly packaged and right on time!
The box included a cute Valentine’s Day card from Shannon (she’s the Mama behind Mama’s Got Mail) with a cute little note inside. Totally made me smile. The card says that everyone got a Valentine, which while I am guessing wasn’t easy, was much appreciated.
Opening the wrapping, I realized that whatever the theme was, it was Valentine’s Day related which was perfect! Mama’s Got Mail has some of the best curation I have seen in a box. Everything always seems to fit in perfectly and always comes with a meaning behind it.
The February 2014 Mama’s Got Mail theme is “Love Story” and is all about your hot, steamy love story! Here is what was included:
~Black Heels to Tractor Wheels by Ree Drummond ($19.77): The Pioneer Woman! I have always wanted to read her book and just never did it. This will be my March book since I’m still working on (super slowly I might add) Gone Girl from last month.
~What I Love About You by Kate & David Marshall ($13.99): This is a fill in the blank book which makes it easy to share your feelings and show your significant other how you feel. It’s not a sit down and fill everything out at once book. You can easy pick up where you left off or move to a totally new section.
~Bouchard Belgium Chocolate ($16.99): Not just a little taste of chocolate, no an entire pound of chocolate! And fabulously delicious chocolates as well! The Mama’s Got Mail people and I are clearly on the same page about our love for chocolate!
All totaled, I came up with a value of about $50.75 for the physical items in the February 2014 Mama’s Got Mail Box. As always, I can’t put a price tag on the workshop part of the box. This month’s personal self check-in (the worksheet portion) is all about “You and Romance” and reflects on how you are in a romantic relationship. The check-ins never make you feel like you get the answers “wrong” they just make you think.
What do you think of Mama’s Got Mail? If you are interested in subscribing or just want to learn more, click here. Subscriptions start at $39/month.
My SO and I are currently long distance while we finish school. I’m in undergrad in Minnesota and he is in a law school in California. I filled in the “What I Love About You” book for his Christmas gift so that he could read through it while we are apart. He loved it and I loved reflecting while I filled it out.
That’s a great idea!!!!!
I love Ree Drummond’s book — its one of those fun easy reads that you just don’t want to put down!!
I can’t wait to start!
That chocolate looks delicious! 🙂
It is!!!
I really like the Mama’s Got Mail boxes I’ve seen reviewed so far, but the price is putting me off. Especially since I’m already subscribed to Birchbox, Beautybox5 and Love With Food. I figure that between those three I’m already getting treats each month (although the Love With Food is shared with my son). I think if I go for another box it will be the Loot box for my son. I might keep watching the reviews for another month or two and decide after I get our taxes done.
BTW: That Ree Drummond book was a really fun read. Hope you enjoy it!
L has been loving Loot Crate lately!
I ordered the “what I love about you”book online, and filled it out and mailed it to my husband (who was deployed at the time) and he loved it! Even now a few years later I enjoy reading it 🙂
What a great idea!!