So What Wednesday!

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This week I am saying So What If….

~I automatically know I will like a movie / tv show if there is a good song in the commercial.
~I still haven’t finished my “I’m Totally Trying It…January” post. #slowdown
~I do not think Juan Pablo really likes any of those girls left.  Nor do I think that he cares he doesn’t have any connections.
~My street is a complete disaster area of ice and snow and I don’t even care. Actually I don’t even think there enough salt in the state to handle that mess up anyway, so there is no point in caring.
~My outdoor Christmas decorations are STILL up.
~I am going to the new Kroger again today and I am super excited about it.
~I already miss CeeLo on The Voice.
~I keep hearing about bitcoin and I have no idea what it is.
~I have yet to watch Seth Meyers on Late Night.
~I get anxious when I get a FedEx / UPS notification and can’t figure out what on earth it is.  No idea who I think is going to be sending me scary packages, but I am still anxious about it.
~I am stressing about which nail polishes I am going to have to part with to send up-north to my cousins.  As if I will even notice they are missing.
~I spent a ridiculous amount of time looking at coffee mugs last night and was this close to ordering one with my blog name on it.  #someonestopme
~I had to google to figure out how to spell ridiculous.

That’s it from here. What are you saying so what to this week?

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 18 Comments

  1. Jenny

    The music in the commercial is crucial to a show. Its why I had to watch Mistresses last summer otherwise I probably would have skipped it.
    I keep looking at my polish thinking I should share some of the love but I just can’t part with it. I need to organize by color and maybe some duplicates will present themselves that way.

    1. Jennifer

      Post a picture after you do that! I can’t to see!

  2. Chris

    I’ve been thinking something similar with my nail polish…I sooo do not want to part with any of them though! I washed all my mugs last night…all but 2. 16 mugs later I finally had something I could make coffee in again. *sigh* Really need to work on doing dishes more regularly……morale of the story, another coffee mug? Why not…? (I think 20 is going to be my max. And then I’ll have to work on breaking one. Or something.)

    1. Jennifer

      How can I ever decide which to part with? Such a big decision!

  3. Amanda E.

    *nerd alert* Bitcoin is a digital currency. People bought into it years ago, and so, the digital black market was born. Seriously, you could buy ANYTHING with Bitcoin. Over the years, the value skyrocketed. Recently, each bitcoin held a value of around 1,000 dollars each. (yes, it paid to get in early.) The rising value in bitcoin created a new market for bitcoin trading and bitcoin “banks.” Why are you hearing about bitcoin now, and why is it way more relevant than it ever has been? Well, the largest bitcoin bank, holding control of more than 20% of all bitcoin disappeared. It’s a currency backed by nothing, so they basically stole a millions of dollars of digital currency from random people and inadvertently causing the value of bitcoin to drop more than 30%. There is also a fear that this is worth billions, not millions, and if they are successfully able to cash out, billions of new USD could affect our own economy with inflation. Anything else I missed? I find it fascinating and exciting!

    1. Jennifer

      So you bought bit coin with “real money”?

      And where does one cash out this bitcoin? Do the banks hold actual currency as well??

  4. Amanda E.

    Yeah, you bought into it with real currency of whatever country you live in. I find it easier to think of it as a stock in the stock exchange. Except, once you have bitcoin, while you can “sit on it” like a stock, many people choose to use it to buy black market type items that you can’t just…buy at Target. Passports, drugs, weapons…just to name a few.

    The banks hold actual currency in the sense that who ever is running the bank, chooses to buy bitcoin under their own ivestment. It’s a weird concept to talk about a currency not being backed by the FDIC, so even in this situation, think of it as a stock broker selling the stock to someone else. “this bank” is most likely one or a few people that have a lot of money and buy bitcoin, A LOT of bitcoin. But they also store bitcoin, for the life of me, I don’t understand why you need someone to store your digital currency, but I guess if it’s worth millions of dollars, you’d trust a guy you’ve never met to take care of it for you, right?

    Apparently, the bank, Mt.Gox, was said to be hacked. They “stole” more 700,000 bit coin from the cold reserve, (Just like the US reserve, it was meant to keep the currency consistent if something happened.) plus from people’s personal storage. (again, I really wouldn’t trust Joe from accounting with millions of dollars before meeting him.) I don’t know if I believe it, I really think it was someone AT Mt. Gox. but either way, everyone is not bailing on bitcoin forcing the value to plummet, so they may not be able to “cash out” anyways. Again, think of it like a stock, if everyone knows a company is going bankrupt, they sell their stock, which forces it to be worthless, right? While bitcoin is nowhere near worthless, if people keep bailing, this “guy’s” plan of walking away with millions/billions will be foiled.

    1. Jennifer

      Yes, it all sounds quite confusing. Sort of like people are just buying “something” that involves way too much trust for the internet as a whole???

      1. Amanda E.

        Also, sorry for creating a new comment instead of just replying. Ugh.
        Anyway, basically, yeah, it involves WAY too much trust in an off shore accounting firm, and too much trust in the internet. It’s more heavily involved, too, like people mine this stuff. Seriously, like how people mine for gold? Except it’s on the internet and it’s bitcoin. Basically, it’s a heavily volatile, unstable currency backed by nothing in the real world, and it finally blew up. I guess I should have just said that sentence to begin with and left it at that. Oh well.

        1. Jennifer

          I don’t mind! It’s fascinating!

  5. Sarah

    I agree about Juan Pablo. I’ve been watching the Bachelor since Jason, and Juan Pablo is by far my least favorite. Kudos to Andi for dumping his ass! I think his reaction to her leaving shows that he really doesn’t care. For someone who claimed to like her as much as he did, he sure didn’t seem upset about her leaving. Now it’s down to Clare and Nikki, by default. Who do you think he will choose? Not that it really matters. I don’t see it lasting very long.

    1. Jennifer

      I don’t even know. I don’t even know if he cares. LOL!!!!

  6. Bethany

    Oh Juan Pablo. I totally agree with you. I honestly think he just came on the show to have a good time. At the beginning of the season I thought I was wrong about my initial instincts about him and that he was genuine about the whole thing, but after last night’s episode (and, okay, a few before that) I really don’t buy it. But it was so fun seeing St. Lucia!!

    1. Jennifer

      Totally agree. He does NOT care. He’s like yeah, whatever, go home.

  7. Tabitha

    I totally agree about the package notifications!

    1. Jennifer

      Love them!

  8. Alexia561

    I taped Seth Meyers first show and wasn’t too impressed. He has a really little set for some reason, with a tiny desk and only one chair. Of course, they brought out a second chair when they had two people, but it still seemed odd to me. Love Amy Poehler and Joe Biden, so they were great guests for a first show! Won’t be watching any other episodes though.

    I love getting those UPS notifications when I’m not expecting anything! Sometimes they tell you who it’s from, but not always. It’s a heads up that you’re getting a surprise in the mail!

    1. Jennifer

      You know, I thought that those little chairs were weird too. I wonder what the story behind that is??

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