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Thursday Thoughts

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It’s time for another Thursday Thoughts! If you want to participate, but have no idea what a link-up is, you can check out my explanation of it here.

~Sad news here. My Grandma (the one up-north) passed away yesterday. She was fabulous (seriously I can’t think of one person who ever had anything bad to say about her) and will be missed. We are still working out plans to head up there (the weather’s a mess, WB’s sick, B’s got school, etc.) so forgive me if things are a little crazy around here the next few days. Up-north just will never be the same without her ;(.

~Did anyone else watch the Ladies Figure skating last night? It is by far my favorite event  and it did not disappoint. I actually watched part of it live yesterday afternoon and was captivated. I think the little girl in me still wants to be a figure skating (despite not being able to skate and being old enough to be most of those girls mom’s).

~Yesterday may just have been one of the biggest mail days ever around here.    We didn’t get mail Sunday or Monday (President’s Day) and then my mail man never appeared yesterday (WTF), so when I grabbed the giant bin off the porch yesterday afternoon it was stuffed.  Had I not been half asleep still (I took a nap while WB took a nap and it was amazing) I would have taken a picture.  I received:  Citrus LaneKiwi CrateDottieboxLip Factory, Julep Cupid’s Mystery Box, Barkbox, My Birchbox and Project DIY.  I am still expecting: The Bride BoxBikeLoot, Yuzen, Loot Crate and I am guessing at least one or two more I am forgetting about.

~Has anyone gotten a chance to watch Jimmy Fallon since he’s take over the Tonight Show?  I am kind of loving it! And for the record, I thought that the edible cereal bowl was a good idea.  LOL!  I can’t believe no one has inventor that yet.

~Have I mentioned that WB has learned to climb out of his crib?  Really WB?  So far he’s only done it once, but I fear that this is going to become a regular event and I am dreading it.  L had to switch over to a big boy bed when he was just about WB’s age now, but I was hoping to stretch it out a bit long with WB!!  Now when we tell him it’s bedtime he points to the bottom bunk in L’s room.  It’s only a matter of time I suppose.

Not related to climbing our of the crib, but I like it.

~I still never updated my “I’m Totally Trying in January“, but don’t think I have forgotten about it.  I need to make that scarf and then I will get the details on that posted.  That may work out better as an every other month kind of thing.   I clearly cannot handle them monthly.

~So I got our Disney packet and e-mail telling me I need to pick out my MagicBand and start getting everything all set up.  I used to think I was a planner, but Disney is proving me otherwise. I don’t know what day we are doing what yet, much less what days I want to ride on things!  It appears that I need to get working on not only dining reservations, but also ride FastPass stuff as I hear this is the way to go.  So much pre-planning for this!

What’s going on for your Thursday?  Do you have any weekend plans?  Let me know and of course, link-up!

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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