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Still loving these!

Currently Burning…
Bath & Body Works Cinnamon Sugared Doughnut.  I love love love this one and it really makes me feel like we are making doughnuts.

So good
So good

Currently Watching…
B and I play this Batman Lego Wii video game.  They are SO flipping into it it’s not even funny.  I am also watching WB practice jumping around on the floor which is more entertaining than watching someone play video games.

Currently On My “To Do” List…
Same stuff!  Nothing else is going to be completed until I handle some of this Disney stuff  that I have not been working on like I should have been.  I also need to clean off my computer because it’s yelling at me that I am running out of disk space.  Oops.

Currently Excited About…
All the fabulous mail I received today!  I got Wantable, Her Fashion Box, Mama’s Got Mail, some goodies from Box South and Elizabeth & Clarke.  Oh and I also got a rent check (we still own the condo we used to live in before we bought this house) and getting checks in the mail is always exciting.

Currently Curious About…
That missing airplane.  Seriously, where is that thing?  Why don’t we know yet?  And also,  what is going on with the use of stolen passports on this flight?  So many questions, so few answers.  So scary.

Currently Obsession…


Finding Cake Batter and Velvet Cupcake ChapStick.  Why didn’t I know about these?  I need them in my life stat.  It appears that ChapSticks current “seasonal” flavors are Pomegranate Gumgrop and Citrus Jelly Bean, but these two must still be out there somewhere and I am going to find them.

Currently Anxious About…
Cleaning out all of the boys old clothes.  I am not sad about getting rid of them or anything, I am just overwhelmed because it’s so much stuff.  Yet I know I need to do it.  But I delay it, because again, it’s so much stuff.

Currently Plotting…
A trip to Vegas.  We keep getting free offers in the mail and it’s killing us.  Don’t be surprised if the 4 of us are in Vegas this summer.  L did mention today that he wanted to move there when he grows up.  Me too kid.

If the Cosmopolitan invites you, how can you say no?

What’s currently going on with you?


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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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