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February 2014 Citrus Lane Review + 50% off Coupon Code

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February 2014 Citrus Lane BoxFebruary 2014 Citrus Lane Box
February 2014 Citrus Lane Box

I know I already received and reviewed two of my February 2014 Citrus Lane boxes (you can check that out here), but my third box came today(*) and I loved it so much I wanted to share!

If you aren’t familiar, Citrus Lane is a monthly subscription box for babies from 0 to 5 which contains four or more products selected especially for the age and stage of your child. Citrus Lane recently raised their prices from $25/month to $29/month, but if you sign up for a longer subscription, you can get boxes for as little as $19/month.

February 2014 Citrus Lane BoxFebruary 2014 Citrus Lane Box
The Box

Citrus Lane ships via FedEx Smart Post and my box actually arrived two days before it’s scheduled delivery date.  I can only hope that this is a trend that continues with Smart Post!

February 2014 Citrus Lane BoxFebruary 2014 Citrus Lane Box
FIrst Look

I knew exactly what was in this box from seeing everyone else’s and that only made me more excited to actually get mine!!

The Information Card

The February 2014 Citrus Lane Box included items which will hopefully help to brighten up the dismal weather.  Here is what my box, which was for a 3.5 year-old boy (I just randomly picked an age when I signed up):

~Tie-Up Shoe from Plan Toys ($8): Genius.  We are still working on learning to tie shoes with L and anything new we can try is awesome.  I am a horrible teacher for this because I tie my shoes so oddly that even L thinks it’s crazy.  So this one is all B.  Plus they are both lefties, so maybe that makes a difference?

Tie-Up Shoe from Plan Toys

~Zoo Storage Bin from Skip Hop ($15): For the first time ever, Citrus Lane allowed subscribers who were scheduled to receive this item the ability to customize which zoo animal we received.  They sent out an e-mail at the beginning of February I believe?  I can’t imagine how much extra work this created, but I am super happy about it.  The monkey is perfect for WB’s room (it’s red and brown) and I love that we got to pick.  I think some subscribers who were receiving a Hape Push Toy for their age group got to pick which one they wanted this month for their March box.  I didn’t receive that e-mail, so we aren’t in the age group that is receiving that item.

Zoo Storage Bin from Skip Hop

~Skip Through the Seasons from Barefoot Books ($6.99): Cute book and I am really happy that they do different books for different age groups.  I think both WB and L will enjoy this, but since we get more than one subscription it’s nice not to end up with two of the same books.

Skip Through the Seasons from Barefoot Books

~Green Apple Age Defy Hand Cream from Juice Beauty ($12): I said it in my last review, but I am a hand cream addict and I love this!

Green Apple Age Defy Hand Cream from Juice Beauty

All totaled I came up with a value of $41.99 for the February 2014 Citrus Lane Box (for a 3.5 year-old boy) and I am in love!  I think it’s one of my favorite Citrus Lane boxes to date!!

Did you get Citrus Lane this month?  Are you getting one in March?  I think the last day to subscribe for March is the 5th at 11:59PST, so if you are interested in subscribing, click here and use the code “SAVEHALF” to score 50% off your first box!

(*) Since I know someone will want to know, I will explain. I got this subscription with one of the deals CL had a few months ago. It expired and I didn’t have an up to date card in there so they couldn’t bill me and ship it like normal. I wasn’t planning on renewing this one, but thought I had one more month and was all excited to get to pick my Zoo Bin.  But it was really expired and since I didn’t have a good card in there they couldn’t bill me.  So I renewed.  Since the paid late, the box shipped late. Such a long story for something so not exciting.
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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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