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Friday iPhone Dump

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Friday iPhone Dump is simply a summary of your week in iPhone (or whatever) pictures! Feel free to link up if you want to share!

1. We got some super cool sand molds and sand (like cool moldable sand) from an out of town friend and the boys loved it!  And I did too.  It made me feel like I was at the beach (well kind of) and was oddly calming to mold sand with the boys.

2. This cover speaks to me.  Mason jar mugs and a cool drink dispenser?  Chalkboard background and fonts too?  I love it all.  And I feel like I need those mugs.  Oh yeah and whatever drink is in them.

3. WB was so excited to get frozen yogurt yesterday.  He was running to the machines and we were cracking up.  And when he was done eating, he took his boots off and started dancing to the music they had going.  He knows how to have a good time ;).

4. I am loving this little guy.  Look for it in my March Best of the Boxes post!  And probably in a future giveaway.  I never knew I needed an elephant ring holder until one appeared in a subscription box.

5. Ahh, before the snow on Wednesday and the freezing weather yesterday, we had Monday when it was 50+ degrees out.  And we took full advantage.  That is WB sliding down a watermelon slice.  Last summer he was too little to really do it on his own.  Not anymore!

6.  Monday night also included a fun dinner at Bar Louie with the boys.  Those two scarfed down our chips and dips app in record time.  It gave me a glimpse into the teen years and they will surely be eating us out of house and home!  Luckily they kept their hands off my chicken avocado tacos.  OMG they were insanely good.

7.  I spied this the other day at Kroger.  Someone should give us all an award for this winter.  Not only was it COLD, it was a cold snowy mess all winter.  So far this winter we have had 90.7 inches of snow in Detroit.  On average we get like 40 inches a year.  And the record for the snowiest winter EVER in Detroit is 93.6 inches and that was umm, 100 years ago.  This has been nuts.  But seriously, snow a few more inches so we can at leafs break the record.  No one wants to be 2nd best (or worst really).

8. Speaking of nuts, this is the notification I saw on Wednesday when I tracked one of my packages.  The mail never made it here Wednesday.  They didn’t come anywhere near our neighborhood on Wednesday, which listen, is fine.  It’s snowy and the roads suck.  But I can assure you that no magical notice was left anywhere telling me to clear out my mailbox.  Who would have left it since the mailman didn’t even drive down my street that day?  Where would they have put it if my mailbox was blocked?  So many questions.  No answers.

9.  And finally, these two.  Do you think they look alike?  I so cannot tell.  In general I think no???  They certainly both are adorable though.

How was your week?  Any big highlights??

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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