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March 2014 Adventure Trunk Review

Disclosure: If you make a purchase through the links posted below, I may receive a small compensation. Read the full disclosure.
Adventure Trunk
Cost: $36/month.
Ships To: Continental United States.
March 2014 Adventure TrunkMarch 2014 Adventure Trunk
March 2014 Adventure Trunk (image credit: Adventure Trunk)

Adventure Trunk, who kindly sent me this package to review, is a monthly kid’s subscription box service for 2-4 year olds that sends out twelve teacher-approved activities a month. Each month there are four activities in each of the following areas- math, reading, and art.

March 2014 Adventure TrunkMarch 2014 Adventure Trunk
The Box

Adventure Trunk ships via USPS Priority Mail.  I actually receive this box, which may be one of their first boxes (if not the first) prior to the start of March.  Since it has activities for every week of the month, boxes arrive prior to the 1st of the month.

March 2014 Adventure TrunkMarch 2014 Adventure Trunk
First Look

Right away I loved the packaging!  I wasn’t sure of the theme yet or what it included, but I really enjoyed the presentation.

The Information Booklet

The March 2014 Adventure Trunk theme is “Ocean” like I mentioned before, included four packs of materials to be completed during the month.  The information booklet breaks them further breaks down the activities by Math, Reading / Critical Thinking and Art.  Her are the projects that were included:

Week 1: The first week of activities were as follows: Math – Sorting and Recognizing Size, Reading / Critical Thinking –  Concentrating  on recognizing which objects belong with one another and which do not and Art – Focus on practicing fine motor skills and hand / eye coordination.

Week 1

~Week Two:  This week Math focuses on objects that belong and objects that do not belong together, Reading / Critical Thinking which focuses on reading a story and answering questions and Art which focuses on recognizing numbers and following directions.

Week Two

~Week 3:  Week 3 was centered around the following: Math – Counting and putting objects in order, Reading / Critical Thinking – Focusing on the letter “A” and Art which was designed to help your child learn how to trace and hold a writing utensil correctly.

Week Three

~Week 4: The final week consisted of Math – Concentrates on counting and recognizing the difference between wet and dry, Reading / Critical Thinking which focuses on the letter “B” and “Art” which was all about following directions, but still being able to be creative.

Week Four

Extras: The box also included a book centered around the theme, a glue stick and a small box of crayons which are all used in the weekly activities.

Additional Items

WB and I have yet to tackle these (he’s a bit under two), but I like the curation of these and think that the ease of the having everything all planned out for you is where the value is in this one.    The information booklet gives plenty of guidance and instructions on each of the activities, so you won’t be at a loss at what to discuss after while working on them.

What do you think of Adventure Trunk?  If you are interested in subscribing or just want to learn more, click here.

Disclosure: This complimentary box was received for review purposes. All opinions are my own and no compensation was received.
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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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