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March 2014 Nerd Block Jr. Review

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Nerd Block Jr.
Cost: $19.99/month
Ships To: United States, Canada and most other countries worldwide.
March 2014 Nerd Block Jr.March 2014 Nerd Block Jr.
March 2014 Nerd Block Jr.

Nerd Block Jr. is a monthly surprise box for kids! It’s is specifically designed for children (you can opt for a Boys Block or a Girls Block) aged 6-11 and is filled with toys and games just for them.  They also offer an adult box for $29.49/month.  L turns 6 in May and I thought this would be perfect for him.

March 2014 Nerd Block Jr.March 2014 Nerd Block Jr.
The Box

Nerd Block is located in Canada and ships from there.  My package took only four days to arrive which I thought was amazing.

March 2014 Nerd Block Jr.March 2014 Nerd Block Jr.
First Look

Since this was our first ever Nerd Block, I really didn’t know what to expect.  There was no information card in the box which kind of disappointed me, but luckily everything was pretty easy to figure out.  Here is what was inside our March 2014 Nerd Block Jr.:

~Marvel Mega Blocks ($2.99): I can’t say that I know who any of these superheros are?  But L probably will and this will be a perfect Easter backer item!

Marvel Mega Blocks

~Mega Blocks World of Warcraft ($6.99): Now I know that L will have no clue what Word of Warcraft is, but he will think this guy is cool because he has a cool weapon.

Mega Blocks World of Warcraft

~Star Wars Slap Band ($2): Have these ever not been cool?  I mean for real.  I loved them   when I was younger and now L loves them too.

Star Wars Slap Band

~Star Wars Shock Trooper ($9.99): How old do you think you need to be to see a Star Wars movie?  Is L too young for Star Wars?  I sense he would really enjoy it, but I also haven’t seen it in years so I don’t recall too much about it the scenes in it.  Regardless, he thinks this is cool and thinks that big weapon is even cooler.

Star Wars Shock Trooper

~Mariocart Pull Back Racers ($3.99): This will be another Easter basket item.  I think both boys will actually get a kick out of this.  Heck, B will even like it.

Mariocart Pull Back Racers

~Skylanders Swap Force Danglers ($3.99): Not sure what will end up happening with this one.  It’ll likely end up in his Easter basket as well (or else I would have opened it), but it’s probably going to end up in his treasure drawer (which most of us would refer to as a jump drawer).

Skylanders Swap Force Danglers

All totaled I came up with a value of $29.95 for the March 2014 Nerd Block Jr. box.  I liked this box, but I wasn’t wowed by it.  It was worth the $19.99 I paid though.  L’s into it though so I am going to give it a few more months (I like to give boxes a minimum of three months to test them out).

What do you think of Nerd Block Jr?  Did you get a Nerd Block or a Nerd Block Jr. this month?  If you are interested in subscribing or just want to learn more, click here.

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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