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Thursday Thoughts

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It’s time for another Thursday Thoughts! If you want to participate, but have no idea what a link-up is, you can check out my explanation of it here.

~This week is dragging. I don’t know if it was because B wasn’t home much this past weekend or what, but I am over it. This winter is never going to end. Which means that my complaining about all this weather is never ending as well! I am at least glad that we will be Springing Forward this weekend. I don’t even care about losing an hour of sleep, I just want more daylight. I don’t get enough sleep anyway, so it doesn’t even matter. LOL!

~Last night was Kindergarten Reading Night for L’s school at one of our local libraries.  I wanted to skip it, but L insisted so off we went!  And it was such a good time.  L loved it and so did WB (B was at school).  I don’t know why, but we have never been to this library before and it is amazing.  L was off with his friends and WB went crazy with the train table and all the fun things they had.  Why on earth didn’t I know about this place sooner??  We’ll be back.  Maybe even this weekend (when B is away again).

Giddy Up!

~My search for reasonable priced plane tickets has come to an end. It appears that I am not going to get a non-stop flight to Florida at the times I want for anything less than $800/person. And since we need 6 tickets?  #nothappening. That just seems like complete insanity. So I think we are driving. Which is also insanity because that means we will be in the car with WB for like 20 hours.  It should make for some scenic Instagram pictures though!

~I watched this week’s Teen Mom last night and compared to some recent ones, it was rather dull. But I still think that Jenelle’s attorney is the hardest working man out there.  I can’t imagine what he thinks about her and all these messes she’s involved in.  It’s probably similar to what Randy thinks about Adam and all his troubles.  LOL!

Credit: Todd DC / Splash News

~Let’s see, what subscription boxes am I still expecting this week?  I would love if my March PopSugar box appeared, but I bet mine won’t arrive until next week.  I am thinking someone will get their box today or tomorrow though, so fingers crossed for spoilers!  I am also expecting Mama’s Got Mail, Elizabeth & Clark, Artistry Gift Wrap, Try The World, Fancy Food Box and I got a shipping notification for Her Fashion Box, but that’s coming from Australia, so that probably won’t get here this week.

~Someone please tell me they are following along with this Teresa and Joe Giudice court case?  I can’t believe they pled guilty.  Not that I believe they are innocent, but I can’t believe they said they were!  What’s even more shocking is that we haven’t discussed this before, but better late than never.  Do you think they will grant her house arrest?  Clearly she is going to write a book on this and clearly I am going to read it because I need to know what’s up here!

~Why is it that when Jimmy Fallon plays flip cup on his show, I also have an overwhelming urge to play?  I think B and I are going to play this weekend.  He doesn’t know it yet (well he does now because he just read this), but I think he’ll love the idea.  Sounds like a fun Sunday night activity to me!

What’s going on for your Thursday?  Do you have any weekend plans?  Let me know and of course, link-up!

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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