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April 2014 Citrus Lane Review – 2 Year Old Boy + $20 Off Coupon Code

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Citrus Lane
Cost: $29/month
Ships To: United States and APO, FPO, and DPO addresses.
April 2014 Citrus Lane (24 Months)April 2014 Citrus Lane (24 Months)
April 2014 Citrus Lane (24 Months)

Yay! WB’s April 2014 Citrus Lane box is here! He’s 24 month-old, so that is age this box is for.  We also received a box for a 47 month-old boy (I always get two Citrus Lane boxes a month), but it was exactly the same as this one, so I won’t do a review on it!  I have to say, it’s super rare that the boxes are totally the same for those age groups and this may be the only time I have ever seen it!

If you aren’t familiar, Citrus Lane is a monthly subscription box for babies from 0 to 5 which contains four or more products selected especially for the age and stage of your child. Citrus Lane  is $29/month, but right now (through 4/22/14) they are having their semi-annual sale which gives you 44% off an annual subscription making it only $16.33/month!!

April 2014 Citrus Lane (24 Months)April 2014 Citrus Lane (24 Months)
The Box

Citrus Lane ships via FedEx Smart Post and took the standard week to arrive.  It was scheduled to arrive tomorrow, so I was lucky to see it today!

First Look

I’d seen various spoilers for this month’s Citrus Lane, but I wasn’t totally sure what we’d be getting for WB’s age group.  I was totally thrilled when I saw this first look because I knew it would be perfect for him!

The Information Card

In honor of Earth Day which is this month, the April 2014 Citrus Lane box included products from partners who focus on eco-friendly design and items that seem to give a nod to the changing season.  Here is what was included:

~Tools & Things from Green Toys (~$10): I think this set is exclusive to CL, so I just estimated the price.  I know want the entire Green Toys toolset!  WB is getting to the age where he wanted to “help” B and I out with things, so this is perfect timing.  Also, why aren’t all screwdrivers labeled like this?  I recall many times my Dad telling me to get a phillips screwdriver and I was all huh?  Which one is that?

Tools & Things from Green Toys

~Set of 2 Tumblers from Green Toys ($5.99): So funny, but I just ordered a bunch of Green Toys cups and plates and bowls.  WB has perfected drinking out of a cup and it’s all he likes to drink out of now, so I figured we better stock up!

Set of 2 Tumblers from Green Toys

~Prince’s Bedtime Book & CD Set from Barefoot Books ($9.99): It’s possible we have this book, but I don’t know where it would have come from and I don’t know where it is right now!  It if it a duplicate I will pass it along to my mom to keep at her house or to have up north this summer.

Prince’s Bedtime Book & CD Set from Barefoot Books

~Lemon Verbena Dish Soap from Mrs. Meyers Clean Day (~$0.50): I was under the (wrong) impression that Meyers soap was expensive.  I clearly was wrong!  I use Honest Co. stuff, but I do like the smell of this more and may have to make the switch every once in a while.

Lemon Verbena Dish Soap from Mrs. Meyers Clean Day

~Greeting Card Offer from Treat ($1): This offer is good for one free card from Treat which we will totally use.  Maybe B will make me one with this code for Mother’s Day!

Greeting Card Offer from Treat

All totaled I came up with a value of $27.48 for the April 2014 Citrus Lane box.  Boxes are $29/month if you opt for the month-to-month option, however, like I mentioned before you can get an annual subscription for $16.33/month right now (through 4/22) which is for sure the way to go!  I would have picked the Green Toys stuff on my own and I will be using the coupon code included to pick up some more Green Toys things (FYI: Green Toys has amazing customer service).

Did you get a Citrus Lane this month?  What age did you get and what came in your box?  If you are interested in subscribing, click here.  Like I mentioned you can take advantage of their semi-annual sale or if you just want to try a box, you can use the coupon code “TAKE20OFF” to save $20 off your first box!  That would make your first Citrus Lane box $9 which is a complete steal!!! You will be enrolled in a monthly subscription (which you can always cancel if you are not happy), but it’s totally an amazing way to try them out!

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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