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FAIR Treasure
Cost: $35/month
Ships To: United States.

Fair Treasure, who kindly sent me this box to review, sends fair trade items such as jewelry, glass wear, pottery and paper goods, to your door each month. Their goal is to make it easier for everyone to explore the very best that Fair Trade products have to offer… and in turn, providing exposure and supporting the communities of people making these treasures.

FAIR Treasure ships via USPS First Class Mail. They typically ship during the first week of the month and are always on time. Never have I heard of delays or problems with FAIR Treasure!

The first look had me very curious. I knew what one thing was, but I had no idea what was in that blue bag underneath. No idea.
The April 2014 FAIR Treasure theme was “Breathe of Fresh Air” and included items to help to focus on the tranquility of stopping, breathing and being as the days get longer (thank goodness for this) and we are able to take part in spring’s celebration. Here is what was included:
~Mata Traders Summer’s End Necklace ($29): Mata Traders is a leading advocate and organizer of marginalized and exploited artisans. They help them set up their own cooperative and ensure that their workers receive living wages and experience safe working conditions. They also guarantee that no child laborers are used to produce their product. This necklace is gorgeous and also, totally on trend. At least I think it is! I could honestly see these at a department store with a $100 price tag!
~Zen Zen Garden & Home Capiz Shell Chime ($18): How gorgeous is this? I don’t even know that I captured the really beauty of it, but trust me, it’s fabulous. There aren’t too many things I have yet to receive in a subscription box, but I can say that this is my first ever wind chime. My mom and I decided that this is headed up-north to enjoy the summer on the lake. So perfect!
All totaled I came up with a value of $47 (subscriptions start at $30/month) for the April 2014 FAIR Treasure box! I thought this was a fabulous month and would love love love to see more home type items like this wind chime!
What do you think about FAIR Teasure? What’s your favorite item in the box this month? Interested in subscribing or just want to learn more? Click here.