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Mama’s Got Mail
Cost: $49/month ($39/month if you order 6-months).
Ships To: United States & Canada. Shipping to the Continental US is free. An additional $18 for shipping elsewhere.

Yay! My April 2014 Mama’s Got Mail, who kindly sent me this box to review, is here! Shannon, the Mama behind Mama’s Got Mail (who is also having baby #5 this month) curates some of the most amazing boxes and I always try to guess what she’s going to do next (I never get it right though).
If you aren’t familiar, the idea behind Mama’s Got Mail is to help you feel encouraged and supported as a mom so that you can be the best woman you can be. Previous boxes have included items ranging from bath products to books to crafts to jewelry to coffee. You never know what will be in the box, but you always know that it will be all about making time for YOU!
Mama’s Got Mail ships via USPS Priority Mail and took two days to arrive. I was kind of stalking my mail lady yesterday and had this feeling she was going to skip us. But she finally appeared after 5pm and had a bunch of boxes with her!
I actually shook this box before I opened it and then tried to feel the items without looking at them to see if I could guess what they were! So silly! It wasn’t until I actually looked that I knew though.
The April 2014 Mama’s Got Mail theme was “Gardening” and included the following items:
~Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds ($6.25): These seeds come from a family-owned business based in both Missouri and California. We have a garden every year, so we will certainly use these. And I am super curious to see how the flowers grow here and hope it’s well because they are so pretty!
~Burgon & Ball Hand Trowel ($16.95): I would refer to this as a shovel, but trowel works as well ;). B will happily use this fancy tool in his garden.
~Felco 300 Pruner ($15.50): I had no idea gardening tools were so expensive! I need to make sure we keep good track of these! Again, this will be an all B item and he will make good use of it!
All totaled, I came up with a value of about $38.70 for the physical items in the April 2014 Mama’s Got Mail Box. While this box is more B than me, it’s actually a win because I will redo the benefits of the veggies he grows with these ;). As always, I can’t put a price tag on the workshop part of the box. This month’s personal self check-in (the worksheet portion) is all about “Life Balance” and how you feel your life is doing in various categories (Word, Relationships, Romance, Fun, etc.) and asks you to pick an area this month to improve and asks you what one thing you can do to improve that area. I like that the self check-ins aren’t that in depth, but they do make you think.
What do you think of Mama’s Got Mail? If you are interested in subscribing or just want to learn more, click here. Subscriptions start at $39/month and sometimes are more “valuable” than the cost of the box and sometimes the “value” is less, however, some of those months (like this month) turn out to be some of my favorites!
Just an FYI–zinnias attract butterflies! I hope your garden does well this summer.
Oh goodness, we would love that!
When I get back from my cruise it is planting time. I don’t do a huge garden just couple things on the porch but it is about that time.
We have to wait until like mid-May here! Gotta make sure we are done with the cold weather.