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April 2014 Nerd Block Jr. Review (Boy)

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Nerd Block Jr.
Cost: $19.99/month
Ships To: United States, Canada and most other countries worldwide.
April 2014 Nerd Block Jr.
April 2014 Nerd Block Jr.

Nerd Block Jr., who kindly sent me this box to review, is a monthly surprise box for kids! It’s is specifically designed for children (you can opt for a Boys Block or a Girls Block) aged 6-11 and is filled with toys and games just for them.  They also offer an adult box for $29.49/month (that includes shipping). This Block is a Boys one for L, who is (almost 6). I did a review on the Girls Block yesterday which you can check out here.

The Box

Nerd Block ships from Canada and took only three days to arrive, which I still think is amazing!

First Look

LOVED the first look!  I’m considering this the box I got sent to review, but I also got the exact same box since I do also subscribe for L. The thought of having two of these thrilled me beyond belief!

Nerd Block Jr. doesn’t have an information card, however, our customs label on the front of the box did list the contents. I still like information cards better though, because they allow you to know if you are missing something (not that I think we were, but you know what I mean) and give me the proper names for things.  Regardless, here is what was included in the April 2014 Nerd Block Jr. (Boy) box:

~Star Wars Squeeze Meez Pen Toppers (~$5): We still haven’t gotten a chance to watch Star Wars with L, but he knows all about it and these make doing homework just a tad more fun.

Star Wars Squeeze Meez Pen Toppers

~Sonic the Hedgehog Silver Morphlite Flashlight ($5.38): I thought this was just a figurine, but the fact that it is a flashlight is 100x better!  And since we received two boxes we received two of these (and they are different characters which is even better), so both boys can have one!

Sonic the Hedgehog Silver Morphlite Flashlight

~Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Mashems ($3.99): I out this in L’s Easter Basket and he loved it.  Of course I have no idea where it is now, but he was happy to play with it and make it fight with the other one.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Mashems

~Avengers Grab Zags (~$2):  We got the disk launcher (this was another item that went in L’s Easter Basket) and was also a hit.  Any time he is given something that is meant to be launched across the room is always good!

Avengers Grab Zags

~Hot Wheels 1999 First Editions ($2): I think B likes this one more than the little boys.  At least he appreciates it more that’s for sure.  We love Hot Wheels and have them everywhere.  The kids even bring them in the bathtub.

Hot Wheels 1999 First Editions

~Mustache Friends Mustache ($9.99): I totally saved the best for last.  If this isn’t fabulous, what is?  I love it.  The boys loved it.  And B loved it.  And my cousin wants to borrow them for a photo booth at her daughter’s graduation party.  A total win. Seriously how cute do the boys look in these things???

Mustache Friends Mustache
The Boys mustache you a question….

All totaled I came up with a value of about $28.36 for the April 2014 Nerd Block Jr. (Boy) box!  Boxes are $13.99 (plus $6 shipping) and we loved this month!  It was even better than March in my opinion and L and I are looking forward to seeing what he gets in May!

What do you think of Nerd Block Jr?  Did you get a Nerd Block or a Nerd Block Jr. this month?  If you are interested in subscribing or just want to learn more, click here.

Disclosure: This complimentary box was sent for review purposes. As always, all opinions are my own and no compensation was received.
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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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