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Friday’s Letters

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Dear PopSugar, Thank you for not making us wait for those April 2014 Must Have Box spoilers.  I was getting super antsy to see what was in that resort box, but I am content with this for now.

Dear B, Thanks for not commenting on my unacceptable laundry skills this week.  I am sorry you almost ran out of clean underwear.  I will be better next week.  Or, better yet, pick up a few more pairs.

Dear Pet Lovers, Help find Marshall Pickles a home!  My brother found him on the street in Detroit and he and my SIL are fostering him until they can find him a home.

Dear Afternoon Naps, You are amazing.  I took one of you yesterday while WB was napping and it was the best decision I have made in a while.  My sinuses are killing me but for that 1.5 hours, I had no idea.

Dear Apple Store, I will see you in a few.  Same with you hair salon.

Dear Frozen, How do you end?  I wouldn’t know since I have seen the first 3/4 of you half dozen times, but never gotten all the way to the end.  And since L insists we start from the beginning every time I probably never will.

Dear L, I had almost forgotten that your train track building skills were far superior to mine.  Very impressive.  You made that circle track for WB before I even knew what happened.  Impressive.

Dear Trader Joes, IKEA, Chick-fil-A & In N Out Burger, Can you open near me?  All of you within a 10 mile radius would be ideal.  Thanks.

Dear AT&T’s Insurance Company, Umm, no I haven’t gotten a chance to get my mailbox fixed yet.  Sorry it’s holding up your claim process, however, the ground is still frozen. #iwishitwasnteither

Dear Hashtags, Why was I such a hater before?  I was wrong about you.  You are fun.  #hashtagsrule #hashtagsforever

Dear Baxter, I won’t even discuss what you did this week, but let’s just say for a short time you were not my favorite dog in the house.  You are gross.

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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