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Today I’m smiling because:
~We had a fabulous stay at home Spring Break and the weather has been amazing! And today is suppose to be the best.day.yet! Ahhh! So excited! It’s going to be SO nice out today that I am guessing B will be outside without a shirt. #illtakeapicture
~I took these guys to the “fancy” mall yesterday to go to the Lego Store and as we were walking around L said, in awe, “I don’t remember it being this beautiful”. A kid after my own heart. That mall is beautiful. I used to work about two seconds from it and I so miss being able to run there during lunch to do some shopping!

~A little more than 500 more likes on Facebook and Ramblings of a Suburban Mom will be at 5,000 likes! OMG! I know that is still far away but I think it’s so awesome.
~WB continues to talk more and more (although he still could not be considered a chatty kid) and that makes me smile. His little voice is the best. He’ll basically say anything one time, but if you try to get him to repeat it, not happening.
~My FedEx delivery tracker thing is jam packed with upcoming deliveries. I love it!
~I am signing up for the Reddit Makeup & Nail Polish Gift Exchange! SO excited about the though of a putting together a package for a total stranger!
~I stumbled into Skinnygirl Daily Nutrition Bars at Target yesterday! When did this happen? How did I not know Target sold these?
~I am headed to Dollar Tree this afternoon (after our morning of family fun) and I will not leave until I locate that $1 wash tape!
~I finally got ALL my packages mailed out yesterday. It took me long enough, but they are out! Next up is contacting the winner(s) of the bracket challenge! Be ready!
~My Facebook feed is blowing up with new babies and I love it!!!
~If B smiles I smile, so I am smiling that B is finally getting his project car tomorrow! SO not my thing, but if he’s happy, I am happy.
That’s it from here! What’s got you smiling today?