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Sunday Sentiments

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You know the drill, I am stealing Jen’s Sunday Sentiments button and idea and making it mine tonight. Where has Jen been lately by the way? JEN????

~B went to go pick up his new (old) car today from the other side of the state, so there was no family Sunday Funday activity today. There was tons of lego building and train playing around here though, so I think that made up for it! And B took the boys out for their usual boys only Sunday breakfast (I love this tradition), so it was a good day!

Need some work

~I watched the new “The Challenge: Free Agents” over the weekend and think it’s going to be great season! I love CT. I so wish Diem was on this season though. I still want them back together. I do wonder though, do any of these people have real jobs? How does one with an office job go on this show?  And I am pretty sure I am gearing up for the MTV Movie Awards tonight!  Please tell me someone else still watches this too??

~We had the craziest weather here last night.  It was 10 minutes of the strongest hail we have ever gotten.  I honestly thought the windows were going to explode.  Seriously it was nuts.  I have never seen anything like it.  And then it was 76 here today.  And is suppose to be like 30 next week. And that is Michigan.

It was everywhere.

~Since I am totally addicted to glossing / glazing now, I picked up this colored glaze from Target.  You probably aren’t supposed to do it days after you use a clear glaze, but I did anyway.  And I REALLY liked the results.  It really did knock the dullness out of my hair.  This is a seriously even better than the clear stuff.  Highly recommended!

John Frieda Colour Refreshing Gloss

~I never did make it to Dollar Tree, but it’s so happening tomorrow.  And maybe a TJ Maxx run too. You know, just to look!  And a Costco run also needs to happen this week.  I am down to like three rolls of paper towel and that’s basically an emergency.  My paper towel usage is awful.  I always say I am going to improve that, but it never happens.

~Umm, so did you hear that Nathan (as in Jenelle’s man from Teen Mom) is in jail?  I mean what?  Seriously, he was so perfect and had a great job and was a hot (that’s subjective) model and all that.  If only Barbara had a Twitter account to tell us all what she thinks of this.

~I ordered the new Mother’s Day GLOSSYBOX today and am pretty sure a Quarterly Co. box is in my near future.  I just wish I didn’t have to wait so long for them to ship because I have the patience of a gnat.

That’s about it from here tonight! What are your plans for tonight?

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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