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April 2014 Jennifer Love Hewitt Fancy Box Review + Coupon Code

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Jennifer Love Hewitt Fancy Box
Cost: $46.95/month ($39/month + $7.95 shipping).
Ships To: Worldwide.  Additional shipping costs apply to shipments outside of the US.
May 2014 Jennifer Love Hewitt Fancy BoxMay 2014 Jennifer Love Hewitt Fancy Box
May 2014 Jennifer Love Hewitt Fancy Box

This has been a busy week for Fancy Boxes! I think they April 2014 Jennifer Love Hewitt Fancy Box is the 4th one I have received? I love it!

Just in case you aren’t familiar, Fancy, which is $39/month plus shipping, has a “regular” Fancy Box full of cool goodies or celebrity curated boxes which include a collection of the coolest products hand-picked by Jennifer Love Hewitt, Verbal, T-Pain, Snoop Dogg, Kelly Rowland, Coco Rocha and / or Tyler Florence. They also offer a Fancy Food Box (which is one of my favorites) and still have Men’s and Women’s Mystery Boxes available for $10 / $20 / $40 plus shipping.

May 2014 Jennifer Love Hewitt Fancy BoxMay 2014 Jennifer Love Hewitt Fancy Box
The Box

As usual, this month’s Fancy Box shipped via FedEx.  And, as always, my box took two days to arrive from the East Coast to me.   I don’t know what the delay with the box this (last?) month was, but this is the April box.

First Look

I couldn’t help but shake my head when I opened this box.  It was basically empty!  They totally could have (should have) used a much smaller box for this one.  Much smaller!

The Information Card

There was no theme for the April 2014 Jennifer Love Hewitt Fancy Box, but it did have one of the new information cards!  Here is what was included:

~First Date Bobby Pins ($9): I don’t really use bobby pins, but these are adorable! They are so cute that I will make it a point to use them when I do a face mask.

First Date Bobby Pins

~evo Haze Styling Powder ($24.99):  Ohh, you know how I love dry shampoo!  I usually use the stuff in a can and not the powder (like this is), but I don’t mind the powder. My hair was a complete mess when the box arrived so I tested it out right away.  It gave me a some nice texture and volume and I am planning on throwing it in my bag for when I am out and about.

evo Haze Styling Powder

~Solemates Heel Protector ($10): I have gotten these a few times from Fancy and I can’t say that I have ever used them.  I believe I gave them to my sister-in-law and haven’t gotten a report back on them.  Hopefully she’ll check in!

Solemates Heel Protector

~Amano Crystal Necklace ($34): I had no idea what to expect when I opened the Amano Studio box, but I wasn’t expecting a necklace.  I was thrilled when I saw it because it’s so pretty.  And so different than anything I already have.

Amano Crystal Necklace

~Cargo Tuscany Lip Gloss ($14): LOVE!  This gloss is such a pretty color and doesn’t feel sticky at all.  I love it!!

Cargo Tuscany Lip Gloss

All totaled I came up with a value of $91.99 for the April 2014 Jennifer Love Hewitt Fancy Box.  Boxes are $39 (+ S/H) and I know I said this last month too, but this really is one of my favorite boxes from her to date!  THIS should have been Fancy’s Mother’s Day Box!  It’s got a little of everything and I loved it all!

Did you get the April JLH Fancy Box?  What’d you think? If you are thinking of ordering this or ANY of the Fancy Boxes, click here and get on it! You can always use the coupon code “FOLLOWUP10″ to save 10% on any, order, including subscription boxes. If you can’t find the Fancy Box you are looking for, I suggest just doing search for “Fancy Box“. It’s much easier than trying to navigate their site and you’ll be able to find all the fancy boxes there, as well as, the Mystery Boxes.

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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