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Still loving these!

Currently Burning…

Bali Sunrise
Bali Sunrise

I am so into these Target candles lately!  Their summer scents (Sea Salt & Sand, Bali Sunrise and Island Coconut are my favorites) are amazing. Makes me feel like I am in Bali.  Sort of.  Okay not really, but it smells good.

Currently Watching…
The Challenge: Fresh Meat.  My iTunes keeps timing out and it’s super annoying, but this show is totally worth it.  Why why why isn’t CT on here this season though?  Why?  They shouldn’t even be allowed to do a show without him.  ETA: He is on there!  Clearly I need to be paying more attention to my reality shows.  Or he needs to do more crazy stuff!

Currently Buying…

The Haul

It went down today at LUSH.  Before I even knew what happening, I had like everything in the store at the counter.  The salesgirl was trying some of the face soap / moisturizer on my hands and WB pushes his sleeves up and had her do his too.  I was cracking up.  Anytime I put he sees a hand cream or a lip balm around the house, he has to put that on as well.  So sweet.

Currently On My “To Do” List…
On the immediate list is to clean the spare bedroom at least so it can be used this weekend and figure out a plan for L’s birthday next week.  I am thinking of doing a balloon door (like this or something like this) for the morning of his birthday so when he opens the door there will be balloons everywhere!  So I guess my To Do list includes buying balloons!

Currently Excited About…
Vanilla EOS lip balm!  I am doing a swap / trade for this elusive gem and I cannot wait to get my hands on it.  Or really, I can’t wait to get it on my lips.

Currently Annoyed About…


Ugh.  So while at the mall to get rain boots for the boys I bought WB some Toms as well.  Had him try them on any everything.  And wouldn’t you know it, they are the same exact size as his ones from last year (which were probably a bit too big then).  Looks like we will be headed back to Nordstrom this week!  And what’s worse is that this is not the first time I have done this.  Nope.  I did it with winter boots for L.  He even told me the new ones (same brand, same style) fit better.  LOL.  Randomly looked after he’d been wearing the new ones for months and wouldn’t you know it, same exact size.  Grrr!!!

Currently Anxious About…
Nothing really.  I should be anxious about getting things cleaned out for the garage sale, but I don’t care too much.  LOL!

Currently Reading…
Deadspin.  I don’t know where they get some of these stories (like the bachelor party that found a dead body in their rented RV), but they always keep me interested.  Always.

Currently Plotting…
Still trying to figure out where we are going for L’s birthday weekend.  And also, I am plotting for when WB is ready for a big boy bed!  He’s so close to climbing out of his and it won’t be long till he figures it out!

What’s currently going on with you today?  How’s your Monday?


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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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