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Mama’s Got Mail
Cost: $49/month ($39/month if you order 6-months).
Ships To: United States & Canada. Shipping to the Continental US is free. An additional $18 for shipping elsewhere.

My May 2014 Mama’s Got Mail arrived yesterday and, as usual, I couldn’t wait to see what was inside. Shannon, the mama behind Mama’s Got Mail, curates some of the best boxes out there. Each month has a theme and you can totally tell she puts a lot of thought in her themes and boxes.
If you aren’t familiar, the idea behind Mama’s Got Mail is to help you feel encouraged and supported as a mom so that you can be the best woman you can be. Previous boxes have included items ranging from bath products to books to crafts to jewelry to coffee. You never know what will be in the box, but you always know that it will be all about making time for YOU!

Mama’s Got Mail ships via USPS Priority Mail at the beginning of the month. I usually receive my boxes within the first week of the month, but this month it was a few days later, probably because Shannon just had Baby #5!!!
I was pretty sure from the first look what this month’s theme was, or at least had an idea about it! Sometimes I can tell by looking at the contents and other months I need the information card to explain it to me (and then it makes perfect sense).
The May 2014 Mama’s Got Mail theme was “Originality” and was all about encouraging you to remember what makes you so unique and special. Here is what was included:
~The Art of Nonconformity by Chris Guillebeau ($8.67): This book allows you to “live on your own terms by exploring creative self-employment, radical goal-setting, contrarian travel, and embracing life as a constant adventure.” I am not huge on books like this, but I am going to pick and choose some of the chapters that do interest me and go from there.
~The Buddy Holly Story DVD ($8.45): I can honestly say that I don’t think I have ever seen this movie! I only know a little about Buddy Holly (probably the stuff that was in the movie La Bamba), but totally look forward to checking this out and learning about how he lived.
~Always Do What You Are Afraid to Do Notepad ($15): LOVE the watercolor design on this notepad and I love the message as well. I am also totally loving the etsy shop (Charm And Gumption) this came from! So much cute stuff,
~Free (One Month) SkillShare Membership ($9.95): Skillshare, which I have never heard of before, allows you to take virtual classes and learn from the world’s experts in tons of different areas. Anything from sketching to branding of products to garment making. So many things!
All totaled I came up with a value of $42.07 for the May 2014 Mama’s Got Mail. The box also comes with a personal Self Check-In, which is all about “The Original You” this month. It aims to help moms (and everyone really) what makes them original and to realize how amazing you are!
What do you think of Mama’s Got Mail? If you are interested in subscribing or just want to learn more, click here. Subscriptions start at $39/month and sometimes are more “valuable” than the cost of the box and sometimes the “value” is less, however they will always make you think and “force” you to carve out some you time, which is priceless!