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Tuesdays Troubles

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I’ve said it before (like every week), but this should be named “things i’m annoyed / confused / want to complain about”, however I couldn’t figure out how to make any of those into a snappy title, so Tuesday Troubles it is.  And yes, I do realize that these aren’t true “troubles”. I know that many of these for sure could be defined as first world problems!

~So my stupid bank, you know, the one that took like 3 weeks to get us new debit cards after that Target breach, is at it again. This time I went to use my debit card at TJ Maxx on Saturday morning and got denied. So we try again. Denied again. What? Feeling like a moron, I leave because I have no other cards / cash on me and B was in the car. I immediately pull up my bank account on my phone. All is well. Nothing funky. So I call the 1-800 number who informed me that my card had been reported STOLEN. What? Of course, that’s all this dude knows because he’s at the call center in who knows where and my actual bank is closed since it’s Saturday. Umm, nice. Turns out my bank didn’t like the purchases (note: do NOT go to the same gas station twice in one day and do NOT buy a pineapple painting on the internet because that is considered suspicious behavior) I made on Friday and Umm, you could have called me. That would have been nice. Instead they leave me running around town trying to use a card that had been reported stolen. Grr. So once I get it straightened out on the phone with the bank they tell me to give it 30 minutes and my card will work again. So B and I go to Office Max an hour later and I try to pay. DENIED. LOL.    I give up!

~In keeping with the debit card theme (sort of anyway) where can I buy those check register things for your checkbook?  I know I can get them online, but can I buy them at an actual store anywhere?  You can’t get them at Office Max I know that.

~When do kids make their first trip to the eye doctor?  I believe L has had his eyes checked at school and the pediatrician looks at them, but I would assume he should go to an actual eye doctor as well?  Or no?

~Did anyone watch the Michael Jackson hologram on the Billboard Awards the other night?  I’m just not sure about that.  I know they did it with Tupac a while back too and I wasn’t sure about that either. The technology is amazing no doubt, but I find it a little creepy as well!  What do you think?

~Why why why am I dying to know what Kim Kardashian’s wedding dress looks like?  Seriously.  I am like trying to figure out how soon after the wedding we will be able to see this thing.  I am guessing it won’t be long will it?

That’s it from here for now! What’s troubling you today?

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!