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Tuesdays Troubles

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I’ve said it before (like every week), but this should be named “things i’m annoyed / confused / want to complain about”, however I couldn’t figure out how to make any of those into a snappy title, so Tuesday Troubles it is.  And yes, I do realize that these aren’t true “troubles”. I know that many of these for sure could be defined as first world problems!

~Fireworks. Ugh. They are back again! We didn’t hear too many when we were up-north, but Sunday night? OMG they were going off for hours. And my dogs were going nuts. I just do not understand why we need fireworks to celebrate MEMORIAL DAY. 4th of July, yeah I get it that. And I love fireworks, I do. But we will be listing to fireworks every weekend from now until Labor Day and I just think that is a bit much. A few years ago my neighbor lit one of the empty lots by us ON FIRE by lighting off fireworks. Oopsies. At least we have more houses around here now so (HOPEFULLY) people won’t be coming here anymore to do fireworks. Because that used to happen often as well. They would drive to our sub because it was empty and light off fireworks at 1am, be super loud about it and then leave the shells and trash all over the place and all that then go back to their nice quiet neighborhood. Thanks people. Thanks. Enough!

~As I was watching the Bachelorette last night I got the overwhelming urge to google to see Andi picks this season. I restrained myself (this time), but I know I will end up spoiling it for myself. Sometimes I find out who wins and then still find myself routing for someone else even though I KNOW who wins! Does anyone else do that? And if you peeked to see who wins this season, did she pick well? LOL!

~Do you have a summer bucket / to-do list? If so, what’s on it? School isn’t out yet, but I feel like if we don’t make some plans nothing is going to happen. B will be gone for the National Guard for a few weeks and we have our Disney trip scheduled, but that still leaves us a bunch of time for other stuff. We really really want to do an RV trip, but more for a weekend instead of a full week. Umm, at least that’s what I want. LOL! And if you have a sort of bucket list is it “planned” or just like a list of ideas? I am thinking of putting ideas into two buckets. One for rainy day activities and one for nice day activities. We can either pull them that day or a few days in advance. So our bucket list will be in actual buckets. LOL!

~So last week I cut my finger opening up a subscription box with a knife. It was pretty deep but I didn’t go get stitches or anything. Anyway, fast forward to this weekend. My finger hurts. Not where the cut is exactly, but whatever. It’s got to be related, but how I have no idea. B thinks maybe I just burned my finger and don’t remember, but I feel like that is something I would recall? Or maybe not?  It’s getting better but I feel the need to tell someone about this because B thinks I am nuts. It looks totally fine, the cut looks fine, I don’t have a fever, etc, but it hurts! Seriously so odd.

~And now in a totally different direction, how often do you wash your windows?  Like your outside ones?  Do you hire someone to come out and do this?  Or do you get up there on a ladder and do it yourself?  I don’t believe we have ever cleaned ours (B would know more about this than I do since I don’t climb up on the ladder outside ever), but they certainly need it!  Is it expensive to have someone come do this?  I’ve seen those stick things that you can buy, but are they worth it?  Help!

That’s it from here for now! What’s troubling you today?

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!