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Tops on Tuesday!

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This is kind of like “What I’m Loving Wednesday”, but I felt like posting it on Tuesday, so “Tops on Tuesday” it is. It’s not as catchy, but whatever. It’s my BIRTHDAY(*) and I’m going with it!

1. Walgreens. No one else seems to have the “yes To Coconuts” line yet, but you know who does? Walgreens!  Well, they have a few items from it, but that’s more than most places!  Plus, they have coupons to use on the stuff right there with it.  You want me to make sure that I save money when I buy something I totally don’t need but would probably get even without the coupon?  Don’t mind if I do.

Yes To Coconuts
Yes To Coconuts

2. Mason Jar Sippy Cups. WB and I ran into these yesterday and we knew we had to get them.  They are so cute and WB picked the mint green one for himself and the silver one for L.  I think L will be happy with his choices.

So Cute

3. Designer Lines at Not So Designer Prices.  I’m talking Nate Berkus for Target.  Happy Chic by Jonathan Adler for JcPenney.  You know, that kind of thing.  I love when stores do this.  Sometimes I want to pick up a nice set of sheets, apples and shampoo all in one trip.

New Sheets

4. Nice People. You know what’s tops?  Nice people.  L’s up-north and my uncle happens to know someone (everyone knows everyone up-north) who has a train set up in his backyard.  Like remember that train from Silver Spoons (I loved that show)?  Like that, except it’s well over a mile long.  So they all went over there yesterday and hung out there and rode around on the train.  And L loved it.  Like loved it.  We’ll be back!

The Train!

5. Prize Candles. Umm, I am not sure if I think these are “Tops” or if I am flat out obsessed with them!  My first candle had a ring with a yellow stone in it (worth $10) and my second one had a ring with a bright blue stone in it (worth $25) (you can see it on my Instagram feed to the right).  Their website lets you check what they are worth using a code that comes in the ring package in the candle.  Anyway, I have one more left to burn and I am hoping to get my prize tonight.  I am a complete sucker for this kind of stuff.  A complete sucker.  Bella J ones are cool too, but they have charms instead of rings.

Prize Candle

6. Getting Organized! I think I finally have my “products” organized and it feels amazing!  I have them separated by type (skincare, makeup, hair, fragrance, tools, etc.) and I can now easily grab something when I need it.

7. Smart Kiddos.  WB has not only figured out how to get into the fridge on his own, but he has also started to ask for things when we are at the grocery store now.  His main requests are “elmo pouch” and “candy”.  Two of the major food groups.  And then when gets an elmo pouch he shoves it back at me and says “open”.  He saves his talking for only the most important things ;).

So Funny

That’s what’s tops for me right now!  What about you?  What have you been loving lately?  You know what’s not tops today?  The fact that I have to go get my license renewed (in person) and the fact that I saved this fun task until the last possible minute.  Lesson learned!

(*) I feel like the fact that it’s my birthday will also get me off the hook for that badly put together graphic at the top.
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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!