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Still loving these!

Currently Burning…

Nothing!  I finished burning my last batch of Prize Candles and haven’t really burned anything else since.  It’s been really warm here so I guess I just haven’t been thinking about it?  It’s suppose to cool down though so I will be back at it!

Currently Watching…

Naked and Afraid.  This show.  I watched it last night and I can’t stop thinking about it.  I just can’t see signing up for this.   You don’t even win anything at the end if you finish! I would probably cry within the first 15 minutes of being dropped off.  So not for me.

Currently Buying…


Ugly-Where Chairs! I asked about these chairs for L and WB yesterday and I heard good things, so when I saw that they had a 20% off coupon code for 4th of July I ordered!  I’m not sure how long they will take to arrive, but the boys are going to be so excited.  And I am too.  I did a comparison and to get them at Pottery Barn with personalized and shipping they would have been $270.  On Ugly Sofa, it was $135.  That’s much better.

Currently Baking…

Duff’s Salted Caramel Brownie Mix

Brownies.  So I found this salted caramel brownie mix at Target (where else) and thought we’d try it.  I made L a tie dye cake from a Duff mix for his birthday and it turned out great.  But these.  Hmm.  They turned out like plain brownies.  The caramel (like all caramel I suppose) isn’t exactly “drizzelable”.  It didn’t say to heat it though.  Can you put a bag of caramel in the microwave?

Currently Reading…

image credit: US Weekly

US Weekly.  I have a few books on my to read list, but this is what I am actually flipping through right now.  For the record I think J. Lo is hot.  I cannot believe she’s 44.  I think the older she gets, the better she looks.  How is that even possible?

Current Obsessions…

LUSH The Sacred Truth Fresh Face Mask.  Texting with L.  Interchangeable covers on the new Erin Condren Life Planners.  Say Yes to the Dress.  Listing to WB talk.  Coconut scented anything.  Baxter’s haircut.  Sitting outside at night with B after the kids go to bed. Cleaning out my Inbox.  Apple’s Back to School Promotion.  Limited Edition Oreo Flavors. My Newly Organized Closet.  Crispy Cakes.

Currently Anxious About…


Today’s World Cup Game. I don’t even know if anxious is the right word for how I am feeling about this.  I do know that WB and I are going to put on our red, white & blue and cheer our hearts out!

Currently Excited About…

Disney World!  It’s not too far away and I am getting excited.  The kids are going to have an absolute ball.  I have tried not to make too many plans, but I have made just enough so that we know where we are eating and what parks we are going to each day.  My big Disney tip with little kids is to not try and pack too much into one day or everyone will end up crabby and we do not want that!

Currently Plotting…

A Night Away.  I am STILL trying to figure out when B and I can sneak away for a night at the casino.  I think I have been working on this since, umm, February?  LOL.  It’ll happen though.

What’s currently going on with you today?


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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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