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Sunday Sentiments

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You know the drill, I am stealing Jen’s Sunday Sentiments button and idea and making it mine tonight!

~Our relaxing weekend has somehow turned into a crazy weekend of running errands and taking care of all the things we should have done months ago! Today’s adventures lead us on a last minute trip to IKEA to get some sort of table for the kids playroom. I think B’s getting ready to start building it now so hopefully I will have some picture tomorrow. I also picked up a funky new lamp and some random odds and ends. L loves IKEA and happily shopped and looked at stuff while WB spent the entire time we were there bear crawling on the floor and trying to pocket every train he saw in their kids displays ;).

I think they wanted that couch.

~Speaking of WB, tonight is his first night in a big boy bed! We are on this huge clean out / organize kick and are kind of hoping to be able to sell his crib and glider at our garage sale (whenever that may be). So we picked him up a mattress today and he’s currently up there working on falling asleep.  I hope.  We still have his crib up, just in case.

Let’s just see about this!

~L has the loosest tooth known to man and it’s driving all of us insane.  Everyone but him anyway.  LOL.  Maybe it’s because he can’t see it?  Not too sure.  It needs to come out though!

~A few people mentioned wanting to see pictures of our haul from the Lululemon outlet in Orlando, so here it is!  B’s stuff is in the top picture (the hoodie and the v-neck) and the bottom right corner (the grey / aqua shorts and green sweats) and my stuff is in the left hand corner (the blue pullover and the black track jacket).  Prices were about $20 to $50 off the normal Lululemon stores so it was for sure worth it!

Lululemon Outlet Haul

~I mentioned it on Instagram, but I used “Dr on Demand” for the first time ever on Friday.  My neighbor had posted about using it on Facebook once and when I woke up on Friday morning feeling like an absolute disaster I decided to try it out.  So basically it’s an App you use to talk to / video chat with a real live board certified doctor in the US.  It’s a flat fee of $40 for a 15 minute chat and, if necessary, they can call you in a prescription to your local pharmacy.  It took me all of 7 minutes to talk to a doctor and get a Z-Pak called in.  I feel a million times better!  Obviously they can’t handle anything super serious, but the next time I have pink eye / an ear infection / a cough or something else simple I am all over this again.  I figure I’d have to pay my $20 co-pay at the doctor’s office anyway and not waiting for an hour when you are sick is worth that extra $20 cost!

Dr on Demand

~I got a chance to watch “Candidly Nicole” and “LeAnn & Eddie” last night. First of all I love Nicole Richie. I loved her on that show she did with Paris Hilton years ago and nothing has changed. I was cracking up at her fascination with online dating because I am equally fascinated by it (and also married). And LeAnn & Eddie. Yeah, I don’t know about them. I will say that I think he’s totally gorgeous. I never realized what she saw in him until I saw the show. LOL.  I will for sure be watching these from now on!

~If you missed the e-mail from Julep, the August Maven Selection Window is now open! I am loving it and think I am going to get the Polish Lovers Upgrade.  I know, I know. I do not need that.  But it’s just so pretty!

August Julep Maven

That’s about all I have time for tonight.  I’ll be back in the morning with some (okay a lot) reviews! Hope your weekend was awesome!

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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