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August 2014 Mommy’s Me Tyme Review + Giveaway

Disclosure: If you make a purchase through the links posted below, I may receive a small compensation. Read the full disclosure.
Mommy’s Me Tyme
Cost: $37.90/month
Ships To: United States.
Coupon Code: N/A.
August 2014 Mommy's Me TymeAugust 2014 Mommy's Me Tyme
August 2014 Mommy’s Me Tyme

Mommy’s Me tyme, who kindly sent me this box to review, is a package of pampering full of items that Mothers and non-Mothers alike can enjoy. Each box is filled with 5+ high quality products such as jewelry, accessories, bath & spa essentials, beauty products and unique merchandise with a total value of $50+.

August 2014 Mommy's Me TymeAugust 2014 Mommy's Me Tyme
The Box

Mommy’s Me Tyme ships via USPS.  Boxes generally ship between the 19th and 27th of the month, with the exception of the December box which will ship sooner because of the holiday.

August 2014 Mommy's Me TymeAugust 2014 Mommy's Me Tyme
First Look

This box was heavy!  I was so curious to see what was making it so heavy and from the first look I guessed it was the wrapped up item, however, I wasn’t sure what it was yet.

The Information Card

The August 2014 Mommy’s Me Tyme box included the following items:

~Profusion Go Travel Eyeshadow Palette ($10): I think that this will end up being passed along to a friend with a tween!  It’s got a bunch of a colors and would be great for someone who is just starting out with makeup.

Profusion Go Travel Eyeshadow Palette

~Bath & Body Works Golden Magnolia Lotion ($5): You know I love B&BW stuff, so I am totally happy with this!  It smells great and is headed straight into my purse!

Bath & Body Works Golden Magnolia Lotion

~Mason Jar with Krazy Straw ($2.99): I am so lucky that this is pink or L would steal it from me.  I know he secretly likes pink, but is under the belief (thanks to school I am guessing) that pink is for girls (which it’s not)!  I suppose it’s okay though because I want this all for me!

Mason Jar with Krazy Straw

~Extendable Fly Swatter ($4.99): I can’t say that I ever thought I’d own a fly swatter, but L thinks it’s cool so it’s his now!  Does everyone have fly swatters?  I just act all annoyed when there are flies in the house and then Buddy eventually attacks them for us.

Extendable Fly Swatter

~Yankee Candle Large Jar (Caribbean Fruit) ($27.99):  Ohh, this scent is fabulous!  I am actually surprised by how much I like it.  This is obviously what was so heavy in the box and I was thrilled to see it.

Yankee Candle Large Jar

~Extendable Back Scratcher ($4.99):  I think L got B a back scratcher from the Santa Shop for Christmas, but I have no idea where that is now.  L also thinks that this is great, so it’s his now.

Extendable Back Scratcher

All totaled I came up with a value $55.96 for the August 2014 Mommy’s Me Tyme Box! With shipping the box is $37.90 so the value was well in excess of the cost. They have released a spoiler for their September box which will include a GO 1″ Styling Iron with a value of $39.99.

What do you think of Mommy’s Me Tyme?  If you are interested in ordering or just want to check out more, click here. And if you want to win one, you are in luck because Mommy’s Me Tyme has kindly offered to allow me to give a box away!  As usual all you need to do is enter in the Rafflecopter widget below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: This complimentary box was received for review purposes. All opinions are my own and no compensation was received.
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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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