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ipsy Mystery Bag Review

ipsy Mystery Bag
Disclosure: If you make a purchase through the links posted below, I may receive a small compensation. Read the full disclosure.
Cost: Monthly Bag: $10/month / Mystery Bag: 1500 points
Ships To: United States and Canada including overseas military installations via DHL.
Coupon Code: N/A
ipsy Mystery Bag
ipsy Mystery Bag

Today was a fabulous mail day and one of the packages that arrived was my ipsy Mystery Bag!

If you aren’t familiar, ipsy is $10/month and sends its members a beautiful Glam Bag with 4-6 deluxe samples and full-sized beauty products. They recently offered a Mystery Bag which was 1500 ipsy points (you get points on ipsy for doing reviews, referring customers, etc.) and I picked one up right away. I am a complete sucker for Mystery Bags like this and I couldn’t wait to see what was inside.

The Package

The ipsy Mystery Bag shipped via DHL Global Mail (just like the monthly bags do) and took about a week to arrive.

First Look

I was super surprised to see that there was actually a bag in here.  I don’t know why, but I expected it to just be a bunch of products in the envelope.  Since it was a Mystery Bag, however, there was no information card.  I am not sure if everyone who purchased it got the same items, but here is what I received:

~The Bag: This bag was from June 2013 and is actually one of the few ipsy bags that I don’t have anymore!  Someone e-mailed me and wanted to buy it (I get some interesting e-mails about all sorts of things) so I just sent it to them (I didn’t make them pay).  I am excited that I have this one back  in my collection.

The Bag

~Pacifica Indian Coconut Nectar Body Butter ($7):  Ohh, I love it!  I totally love Pacifica and I love this scent.  This plus the bag above pretty much made this little mystery bag for me.  The rest is just bonus stuff.

Pacifica Indian Coconut Nectar Body Butter

~Klorane Smoothing & Relaxing Eye Patches ($2.57): I don’t recall ever getting this in the past, but my tired eyes will love these tonight.  WB was up crying last night, which meant that I was up as well.  Perfect timing for these.

Klorane Smoothing & Relaxing Eye Patches

~Coastal Scents Medium Shadow Brush ($2.49): I actually have one of these brushes from a previous ipsy, so I will be passing this along to a friend.  I kind of guessed this would include some repeat items so I don’t mind at all that I already have this.

Coastal Scents Brush

~Pop Beauty Bright Up Your Life Eye Shadow Trio (Naturally Bare) ($7.20): I received this one back in my December ipsy bag, but the colors are so perfect that this is a great repeat!  And I love that it’s fairly small so it’s great to travel with.

Pop Beauty Eue Shadow Trio (Naturally Bare)

~Starlooks Gem Eye Pencil (Amethyst) ($14): This will totally be passed along to a friend.  Eyeliner is just not for me.

StarLooks Eyeliner (Amethyst)

All totaled I came up with a value of $33.26 for the ipsy Mystery Bag and I think it was 1500 points well spent!  I really hope they offer this again down the road because I will be all over it again. Such a fun little bag!

Did you get an ipsy mystery bag? Did it have any variations in it? I believe the Mystery Bag is now sold out, but if you are interested in subscribing to ipsy’s monthly bag or just want to learn more, click here.  And if you are on the ipsy Wait List and can’t seem to get off, post your link here and hopefully someone will sign up under it to get you off the list!  If you sign up using someone’s link, please comment and let them know okay?

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!