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August 2014 Jennifer Love Hewitt Fancy Box

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Jennifer Love Hewitt Fancy Box
Cost: $46.95/month ($39/month + $7.95 shipping).
Ships To: Worldwide.  Additional shipping costs apply to shipments outside of the US.
Coupon Code: N/A
August 2014 Jennifer Love Hewitt Fancy BoxAugust 2014 Jennifer Love Hewitt Fancy Box
August 2014 Jennifer Love Hewitt Fancy Box

I didn’t have too many packages waiting for me on the porch when we got home from up-north yesterday, but I did receive my August 2014 Jennifer Love Hewitt Fancy Box.

Just in case you aren’t familiar, Fancy, which is $39/month (plus shipping), has a “regular” Fancy Box full of cool goodies and celebrity curated boxes which include a collection of the coolest products hand-picked by Jennifer Love HewittVerbalKelly RowlandCoco RochaSnoop Dogg, the Rockettes and / or T-Pain. They also offer a Fancy Food Box (which is seriously awesome), a Fancy Culinary Box, as well as, Fancy Mystery Boxes.

August 2014 Jennifer Love Hewitt Fancy BoxAugust 2014 Jennifer Love Hewitt Fancy Box
The Box

Fancy Box ships via FedEx and takes two days to arrive to me.  I’m curious to know how long Fancy Box takes to arrive if you live on the West Coast?  Does anyone know?

First Look

This month’s Fancy box was heavy and I had not a clue what could be in it.  And once I opened it I still didn’t know.  What could be in that white box?

The Information Card

I couldn’t figure out a theme for the August 2014 Jennifer Love Hewitt Fancy Box, but it included the following items:

~La Fresh Face Wipes ($9.99): It’s been so humid here lately which has been making my skin feel extra gross.  These will help out a ton.  I have tried some travel sized packs from this brand and they’ve always worked well.

La Fresh Face Wipes

~White Galaxy Glow Laces ($12): When I first saw these I thought wow, these will be perfect for glow bowling!  And then I realized I haven’t been glow bowling in years and I don’t own my own bowling shoes so I don’t know how I would use these bowling anyway.  But, I will probably switch out L’s shoelaces with these before we go glow golfing next.  He’d get a kick out of that.

White Galaxy Glow Laces

~Fresh Smoothie Mug ($13):  I love this!  I have a strange obsession with different kinds of cups and mugs and I would totally have bought this at the store if I saw it.  I actually need to clean out my cabinet because it’s getting a bit out of hand with mason jar mugs and stuff.

Fresh Smoothie Mug

~Onyx Food Container ($28): B and I could not figure out what this was.  We thought maybe it was used to cook something?  Then I thought maybe it was a serving piece of some sort?  No to both of those.  Turns out it’s a lunchbox.  A “Tiffin set” to be exact.  It’s totally cool, but I don’t know if I see myself carrying this around?  It just seems bulky maybe?  I don’t know.  Maybe WB and I will test it at the park this week and see what we think.

Onyx Food Container

~Passion Fruit Hair Ties ($9): I have gotten a bunch of these in the past and they get lost as fast as I can use them.  My hair gets stuck in them which I don’t love, but they look cool on my wrist.

Passion Fruit Hair Ties

~Passion Fruit Headbands ($14): I actually like these better than the hair ties.  They hold my hair back nicely and don’t get all tangled like the ties do.

Passion Fruit Headbands

All totaled I came up with a value of $85.99 for the August 2014 Jennifer Love Hewitt Fancy Box.  I think my happiness with this box will depend on how many times I use the food container.  If it doesn’t work out for lunches or snacks, I am thinking maybe I will be able to store some office supplies in it and keep it on a shelf.

Did you get the August JLH Fancy Box?  What’d you think and what did you get?  Any variances? If you are thinking of ordering this or ANY of the Fancy Boxes, click here and get on it! If you can’t find the Fancy Box you are looking for, I suggest just doing search for “Fancy Box“. It’s much easier than trying to navigate their site and you’ll be able to find all the fancy boxes there, as well as, the Mystery Boxes.

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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