Disclosure: If you make a purchase through the links posted below, I may receive a small compensation. Read the full disclosure.
Edited to Add: As of October 2014, it appears that Blue Velveteen has closed their doors. According to subscribers October boxes have not been shipped and their Facebook page was deleted on 10.27.14.
Blue Velveteen
Cost: $10/month.
Ships To: United States.
Coupon Code: N/A

Blue Velveteen, who kindly sent me this box to review, is a brand new beauty and cosmetics subscription box. Each month, for just $10, you will receive five deluxe size or full size makeup or beauty products delivered right to your door.
Blue Velveteen ships via USPS. My box shipped via Priority Mail, but I am not sure if that’s the norm. Boxes are $10/month and I am guessing the cost of Priority Mail is over half that, so I am thinking they are using something else to ship.
My September 2014 Blue Velveteen Box didn’t include an information card, but everything was packaged neatly and was even wrapped with a blue velvet ribbon. Cute! Here is what was included:
~Sexy Bath & Body Lavender & Chamomile Calming Body Wash ($4.50): I wasn’t even aware that the “Sexy Hair” line did anything besides hair products? Good to know! This smells nice and I can always use travel sized shower gels, so this is great.
~Ciate Mini Mani Polish (~$2): Well you know I love me some nail polish! This is more of a toes color for me and will be great for fall. I also like that it’s mini. It gives me some hope of actually being able to use it up.
~NYX Sheer Gloss ($2.99): I couldn’t find this on the NYX site so I am not sure if they sell it anymore? It’s a nice gloss though and a great color. ETA: This appears to be a “Bonus Item” that was part of their pre-launch special and was not included in boxes purchased after a certain date. More details appear on the BV Facebook page.
~NYX Ultra Pearl Mania ($3): Love this! These little eyeshadows are inexpensive and come in tons of colors. And they are very shimmery which is the best part in my opinion.
~Cartier Le Baiser du Dragon (~$3): Not my favorite scent and with the full sized price tag ($145) I won’t be buying it myself, but it’s certainly fun to try. I felt like it was maybe just a little too deep smelling for me personally. ETA: This appears to be a “Bonus Item” that was part of their pre-launch special and was not included in boxes purchased after a certain date. More details appear on the BV Facebook page.
~Hair Tie: I can always always use a new hair tie. And since they do stretch out, I am liking that they made this one tiny.
~Macadamia Nourishing Leave-In Cream (~$2): I absolutely love this stuff. I haven’t purchased it recently, but I have been seeing it at TJ Maxx and have been super tempted. It makes my hair shiny and smooths down all my flyaways. Good stuff!
All totaled I came up with an (estimated) value of about $17.49 for the September 2014 Blue Velveteen Box. I am super interested in seeing what they come up with in future months for this box. I think the $10 price point is attractive and hope they can keep the value up! ETA: The value would be reduced to ~$10 had the “Bonus Items” not been calculated into the price.
What do you think of Blue Velveteen? If you are interested in ordering or just want to check them out, you can do so here. I believe September boxes are still available.
Oh this is another cute subscription. Kindof like an Ipsy of sorts. I can’t wait to see what they keep offering.
Unless you are a blogger or youtuber you will not receive anywhere near what you see in this blog. Just be aware that you will not get the things you are probably subscribing for. Non youtubers and bloggers get alot of the one use packets. The website states that they see nothing wrong with this practice.
Oh WOW that is totally crappy. Do they not think that bloggers are going to share? I mean really that sucks.
I know. It isn’t worth 10 dollars in my opinion. I get free little packets from Ulta. I’m now finding out that people are getting blocked from the company’s social media if they complain. I am cancelling. We will see what happens. I’ve been reading that it has been extremely difficult to cancel this.
I totally signed up! This one definitely has some promise, hoping I get to start with this one. I’ve spent 10 bucks on way less interesting things. FYI- I used the code “BEEJU” that I found online to save $2.
Thank you for the heads up!
Nice little box for $10 – I signed up too 🙂
Thanks for the review. I’ve been patiently waiting for mine, and a little nervous since it’s a “new” subscription. I will use everything in the box, so I’m looking forward to future months, seems promising. And for $10….can’t really beat it. I cancelled BB to get this one, and based on your review I don’t regret that decision. lol.
This is cute. Do you know if the blogger box will be the same one that subscribers receive? There are more than 5 items listed in your review. I think they did a great job putting the box together.
I certainly hope so. I think some people on MUT ordered, so check there:
I am disgusted by this company’s shady practices. Bloggers are getting items subscribers are NOT. I’m canceling.
What did you receive? I would love to know! It’s not fair if everyone isn’t getting the same goodies.
Nothing yet. But if you go to the MUT link above I’ve posted a link to one of the bloggers reviews indicating the truth of the matter,
Blue Velveteen has been promoting bloggers boxes reviews, but we will not get those boxes.
I will check it out! Thank you!
Okay, I just checked that out! It will be interesting to see if subscribers who purchased it during that initial phase will get the bonus goodies as well. My box was a review one and I didn’t get that Mitchell & Peach Hand Cream. I did get that NYX gloss though.
I finally got my first box. I felt totally ripped off. Got 4 items. I did not like the fact they advertised more stuff and then sent on 4 items. I cancelled this subscription.
So was this just a huge scam? I subscribed for the October box and havent recieved anything and now the “company” is just gone? So is all of our money gone to, those of us who gave blue velveteen 10$’s for an October box? I think this needs to be reported to law enforcement.
Check out comment #56 on Makeup Talk. It looks like she’s working out a way to give out refunds:
However, you can also contact your credit / debit card company or Paypal and see what they recommend as well!
I ordered and was charged the $10 in September and haven’t received anything, I believe it was a big scam.
I posted about this a few times, but I totally recommend contacting your bank or paypal about disputing the charge if you cannot get an e-mail response from them! Their e-mail is: Info@bluevelveteen.com. There is a Facebook group about people who haven’t gotten their boxes and also some discussion on it here: