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Sunday Sentiments

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You know the drill, I am stealing Jen’s Sunday Sentiments button and idea and making it mine tonight!

~Happy Sunday!  B made it home from Korea on Friday and spent the rest of the weekend trying to get caught up on his sleep and enjoying this fabulous weather we have been having.  And watching football!  I so love fall.  I don’t have too many box reviews left to finish up this month, so things will be a little slow the next few days until they start rolling in again.

~Basin, the bath product store I fell in love with at Downtown Disney, is doing Soap Mystery Bags! The bags are $10 and promise to have a value of $35. I ordered two and can’t wait to see what I get! Thank you to Jamie for the heads up on this one!

Basin Soap Mystery Bag

~Did you watch Shark Tank on Friday night? I thought that Swaddle was quite a cool idea. If I had a newborn I would totally try it. And Bombas was on there! B and I have both received those socks in various subscription boxes and we really like them.

~So WB is showing the signs of being ready to potty train, but he’s not overly excited by the idea.  Any amazing tips to make this easy?  L wasn’t ready until he was a bit older and was happily swayed by the promise of an art farm.  WB doesn’t quite work like that though;).

~Have I mentioned my love for Crispy M&M’s?  They aren’t available here in the states, but they are so fantastics.  Anyway, B couldn’t find Oreo O’s in Korea (I don’t know that he looked that hard either), but all was forgiven when he brought me these.

Crispy M&M’s

~I am planning another giveaway for this week and need ideas!  Should I do a few little ones?  A big one? Something subscription box related?  Just things I like?  I’m at a loss for this one.

That’s all for now!  See you in the morning!

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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