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Two on Tuesday

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Two Three Questions today…..

~Do you save cards and letters people send you? I am talking Christmas cards, wedding cards, birthday cards or just little notes people send you here and there. A friend of mine texted me a picture of a card I’d given her for her Bachelorette Party YEARS ago and said she was cleaning out all her old cards. She said she had been keeping them but didn’t quite know why and wanted to know what I did with mine.  I *think* I still have all mine from assorted events in a bin in the basement, but I am not really sure why?  My Grandma, who passed away this winter, saved ALL of the cards and letters she’d ever received and would go through them every once in a while and read them.  But I don’t do that, so do I really need to save them?

~What do you pack in your kids lunches?  I am specifically looking for ideas for the “main course”.  I don’t just want to do sandwiches everyday.  I want to mix it up a bit.  I am pretty sure his school is peanut free, so no carrots and peanut butter or anything along those lines.  I want to do more hot stuff like soups and spaghetti I think?  Does anyone have a good thermos recommendation?

~Can you sleep while traveling?  I never used to be able to sleep in the car (and have always been amazed by B’s ability to fall asleep anywhere), but now if we are traveling up-north or something I try and sneak a nap in.  B always drives and if the kids are settled and / or napping, so am I!  Before we had kids I just didn’t need that extra sleep I guess?   Now I can fall asleep much more quickly!  Moving vehicle or not.

I can’t wait to hear everyone’s answers!  Oh and I am doing some organizing of posts which I am hoping will make things easier to find, so if things look a little funky the next few days, that’s why!

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Jennifer: Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!
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